Chapter 4

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I waited for Harry to come out of the bathroom, but then I heard the shower go on. So I lied down on the couch, thinking about the naked boy in the room next to me. I've never thought like this- ever since I was raped I had a total different feeling towards sex and men. But my body was craving something, maybe this was my form of moving on from what happened in my past? I couldn't question it any further. I got a text from Paul that said, "everythin goin ok?? tell him we have a meeting in 2 hours on the top floor, then ull meet liam. liam knws everythin, hes tryin to help us to. c usoon" I texted back, "Yeah, he is having a shower, I will make sure he isn't late. This kid likes to party..." I added for humor. One minute later Paul texted back, "yeah thats our harry, get used to it. hopefuly ull change that." I laughed.

I heard the bathroom door open, Harry stammered out with only a towel around his waistline, I froze. I couldn't believe how fit he was, his abs, shoulders, and pecks were all perfectly toned. He caught me staring at him, and smerked as he walked off to his room. I realized he had no interest in coming out of his room because he still suspected I was sent to "fix" him, which I was, but I have to convince him otherwise. I left a note on the table explain the meeting in two hours and I would see him there. 

I gathered my guitar and my bag and opened the door, I turned to close it and hit something hard and I fell my guitar fall out of my hands. I was on the floor, my shorts riding all the way up my ass as the person who had bumped into me helped me up. I picked my wedgie without realizing I had crashed into the blond guy from the band, I decided I would pretend I didn't recognize him. 

"Sorry! I didn't see you there!" I apologized. He smiled (myheartwentlikethishewassocuteandhiseyesohmygodicantexplainjustholyshit) and replied in a cute irish accent, "It's alright love, didn't see yah either. Were you just comin outta Harry's room? He ok?" 

"Yeah, he should be, I gave him a couple advil." I smiled. "New recruit to the rescue!" I joked, thank god he laugh. My heart skipped a beat, he was breathtaking. What possibly could be wrong with these boys? 

"New recruit? You workin for us now?" He suspected. I decided to play stupid like Paul suggested, "Well I'm supposed to be working with the boyband One Direction and their management, I'm kind of shadowing how to be a manager. And I'll be songwriting with them." I glanced at my guitar on the floor.

"Well that is very interesting, the last time I check they didn't need any help writing songs." He said coldly. I was taken back, I didn't think something so cute and perfect could say something so...sassy. "Umm..." I didn't know what to say! A grin spread across his face, "Nah babe, that was just a joke. I'm sure they will be lucky to have you. I'm quiet good friends with em all. Nice lads. I'm...uhh... Craig." He lied. I tried to hold the laughter inside, as I played along.

"Hi Craig, I'm Cassie." I shooked his hand, "will I be seeing you around? Do you work for them?"

"Yeah, I take care of the food on tour." Nice one, blondey, nice. "Have you met the boys yet?"

I shook my head, "Nope, meeting them later. Are they as evil as other people say?" I winked, this was my attempt at bonding, shit I was bad at this stuff. 

"You'll have to see for yourself, but I have a feeling you will fit right in. See you around, Cas." He smiled and walked into Harry's room. That was the second time someone has called me Cas today. I haven't heard someone call my that in 5 years, Evan used to call me Cas.

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