Chapter 9

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Miyu's POV

I slowly open my eyes... I was lying in a bed with a curtain surrounding me. I was at the nurse's office. I try recalling what happened to me, but all I remember is talking to the purple haired kid and then nothing... I slowly sat up, groaning at a sudden headache, running across my forehead. The curtain was pulled back and revealed Recovery Girl.

"Ah good, you're awake! You had me worried there young lady. How do you feel?" She asked while giving me a check up. I move around just a bit.

"I feel fine other than a small headache, but... I mostly feel confused... What... What happened..?" I asked cautiously. She give me a reassuring smile.

"Well it seems that young Shinso, the one with purple hair, used his quirk on you. His quirk is brainwashing, so he had you under his control. Your team came in third actually, but... After he released you, according to young Bakugo, you short circuit and lost control of your animal instincts. He managed to catch you before any damage was done. That was about 4 hours ago. The festival ended about an hour ago..." She finished explaining.

I gripped the blanket tightly. My ears pull back because of how shameful I felt. I barely remember what happened as she explained. I got a few flash images of what happened but other then that, nothing... But... I do remember that bastard being there... I don't think he knows it was me, but I can never be too careful.

"Sensei... is Aizawa sensei and Nezu sensei still here? I have to speak with them..." I said in a very serious tone. She understood and called for them. A few minutes later the arrived.

"Miyu-chan! It's good that you're awake. How do you feel?" Nezu sensei said in a good mood. Aizawa sensei just nodded his head.

"Sensei, thank you for your concern but that's not why I asked for you..." I said getting down to business. "I wanted you to know that among the crowd, there was a person from my past... he's not the friendly type either..." They gave me serious looks and motioned for me to continue.

"His name is Blake Burner... he's part of the gang that was, or still is, after me... He's the boss' right hand and vice leader of the Bloody Hounds. Why he's here... I don't know, but I know it's nothing good. He's has a long criminal record and has done horrible things... if they know I'm alive... I think I should leave... I'll put everyone in danger and I don't want that!" I said, as tears swelled up in my eyes, gripping the sheets tightly.

"Miyu, we as your teachers are here to guide and protect you. You're safe here, you don't have to worry about anything." Nezu sensei said, patting my head. "We will look into his file and watch him for any suspicious activity. Rest assured that he will not harm you, or anyone for that matter."

"Okay..." I sighed, feeling tired.

Aizawa and Nezu sensei left to discuss somethings in private. Aizawa-san gave me money for a cab to go home. He doesn't want me walking that much. After Recovery Girl did one last check up, I was free to go. I walked towards the gates, observing people cleaning up after the festival. I heard footsteps behind me and then someone swiftly grabbed me, turning me around.

"You know, I don't like being man handle by a firecracker." I said, tired. I just wanna go home and sleep. The ash blonde glared at me.

"You owe me answers, bitch... So start talking." He demanded roughly. I'm too tired to deal with him.

"Listen bitch, I'm tired so I'm going home." I said walking towards the gate. I sighed because now I have to call and wait for a cab. He stomped behind me, face looking angry, and I then noticed what's hanging from his mouth.

"Is that the first place medal?" He face got angrier from that possible.


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