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Jaebum's POV

This album has come out well I think..But I am still anxious, members told me not to worry too much. But here i am stressing out. We were practising now, so that we can shoot the mv soon. Mark has gotten better and appeared happy now, so i feel relieved. Jinyoung and I didnt have much time after our last encounter..since we were either practising or sleeping..

Then we shot for the mv.. I had grown out my hair this time..I dont know what my fans will think about it..But my Jinyoung loves it. He doesnt miss a chance to stroke my hair... frankly..he is caressing my hair like he rubs nora.. I dont mind it though. But I dont let other's touch my hair.

Finally they all had one week break, since they needed to rest well before their comeback. They all decided to just stay, in their respective home. JB and Jinyoung were happy, they both had romantic dates in their room or in the terrace...which JB set up specially for Jinyoung. Mark went to see his lover again and he had been gone for two days, while Yug asusual was hanging out with Bam. So they had the dorm to themselves. But they never had sex....a sweet kiss here and there and little poems/cheesy lines that surprised Jinyoung, which were placed throughout the house...There was one in his book the other day..saying ..'Will you be the Jinyoung to my JB' that read..Jinyoung smiled looking at it.. He showed it to JB who blushed at that. Jinyoung placed the book down and  came to sit in Jaebum's lap... his hands automatically went to his hair and started stroking it..'Yes Jaebum..' he answered leaning down and softly pressing his lips to Jaebum's. Since they forgot about their surroundings whenever they kissed, they didnt hear the door unlocking.. 'Jinyoungieeee.... noona is here....'  They sprang apart so fast that JB landed on the floor... and Jinyoung stared at his moons in horror..

Jinyoung's POV

What do I do now? I didnt tell about Jaebum to my family yet.. ..'Noona I can explain.....' She stood there staring at us...'Noona ???' She shook her head....'Jinyoung, I am sorry I have to go now...' she rushed out of the dorm..I didnt know what to do...I turn to look at Jaebum hyung.. He came towards me and hugged me..I couldnt help, my tears started falling..'I wanted to tell them Jae...now its too late, they are going to hate me' I whispered when I stopped crying..'No dont sat that Jin, you are assuming that, why dont we go and explain to them..?'  he suggested....'

Mark's POV

He went out to get some food, am too lazy to move my body. We are here for a short break.. by here I mean in Paris,France... It has been a pleasant few days.. Not even my members knew where I am, and thats for the best..I am hungry now, I got up and stretched and went to the bathroom and did my business.

There was a knock and he entered...'Here is your breakfast in bed hyung...' he smiled at me. 'After all the things we have done, you still wish to call me hyung..?' he blushed ..'Yes, I will still call you hyung, but at that time you can be my baby or daddy..' I smirked...'Let's eat..' He had gotten  us waffles and syrup and some coffee for me. He doesnt drink coffee, saying its too bitter...he was still a baby. My baby. What???? where did i get a thought like that.....!! I pinched my thighs and continued eating...'Hyung, I want to go sight seeing.....' ...'Yah, thats too risky, if our fans see us then its going to be the end for both of us..' He pouted and did cute aegyo..'Pleaseeee hyung....' In these times, I seriously have doubt if he was the one who whipped me and did unmentionable things in few of our escapades...... 'Ok but we have to go in disguise...' he nodded brightly smiling.. As I see his smile, my heart started pounding, I can sympathize with his fans, at how his smile is his weapon, it can make anyone a slave for him.

Then they both got ready, Mark covered his face with his mask and wore a hoodie, while his lover wore a beanie and moustache with sunglasses. It was too funny, that Mark started laughing at his antics. Then they went sightseeing..they went to the Eifel tower and had a romantic dinner at a restaurant there, then went to various shops and bought few gifts.. then they watched the sunset across Seine while sitting in their room as it was just across the river. They talked about everything except their feelings. Both did not want to ruin their mood by talking about their contract. If Mark can he would admit that beside his members and his friends back in LA, he was the one person he was comfortable with and can share his thoughts freely. But they were both afraid to talk about what was in their hearts.

Lover's POV

Ah Mark hyung...I started having feelings the first time we first met... it was about an year ago. But I cant be with him, our society will never accept this kind of relationship.. But I cant stay away from him.. He was my addiction, and I needed a daily fix. I dont drink or smoke, but he was my one and only drug and I get high on him..his voice .....his sinful body....and his heart. But the second I admit it, we can never go back to the way we were, he may even stop talking to me.

So now..I fulfill all my fantasies with him...and he fulfills mine. But I stopped having these fantasies..now all I have left is I want to make slow love to him..till he cries out... or he can love me till my eyes and heart are full.. My members dont know about this affair, though they suspect something .... but they never ask me...and I am thankful for that. That sunset was beautiful..... 'Mark, I have one fantasy, can we......?' He turned to me... the orange light reflected on his face, making him look ethreal and at that moment I felt he was my fantasy...and I never wanted to it to end...... 'Yes baby we can......' and I led him to the bed.

So Mark's relationship will have angst and some mature things..though it will not be excessive.

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