I See Fire - Zutara

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Hey all! Welcome to my new fanfiction, a new fandom this time.. AVATAR!

Title: I See Fire                                                                                                                                                                Word count: 1,477

Warnings: none this chapter

Summary: Avatar AU. Instead of the war raging on like in the canon series, what would happen if they all attened a high school called 'Avatar's Academy'. More Drama, new friendships, and much more more to happen in this story. Sorry for bad summary I'm really tired will fix it soon.


If you were to combine all of the four; ultimate power.

That’s what Sensei Zhung said anyway. He was head of Avatar academy. Rivalry, challenges, power, three main themes at this school. Before we begin this tale, I feel as though it is due to explain several things to prevent confusion.


Avatar academy, the most prestigious school in the entire earth kingdom, was dedicated to taking in the most talent youngsters and turning the into something great. with that of course came great hardships and competition. The school itself was split into four sections. Fire, Water, Earth, and Air. From there it was narrowed down even further into ranks. Blue was lowest, the beginner sort of rank. A small step up from blue is red, which is still a very low rank. Those two ranks are usually filled with first and second years. The most popular rank is grey, which is basically the mediocre rank. One step above this is Black. Finally the top and most exclusive rank, consisting of ten students, is white. All of the prefects and leaders are chosen from this rank. You see, at Avatar academy we aren’t taught by year, but by learning ability. I think that’s enough backstory for now. let’s begin.

Katara groaned in defeat, letting her frustration get to her head. Over the past hour she had been trying to master a new trick persistently, but to no avail. There was a soft knock at the door of the practice room. Katara whipped around to see her friend and fellow prefect, Charlotte. “Prefect meeting in five, are you okay?” She asks anxiously, glancing at Katara’s deteriorated state. Katara took a deep breath and nodded “Yes. I’m fine, just a little frustrated,” She explained, smiling gratefully the blonde girl. “I’ll be there.” she finishes before bidding the other farewell and heading to her dorm. She emerged several moments later and headed towards the meetings room.

Prefect meetings occurred on regular intervals and meetings consisted of approximately eight people. Two prefects from each house plus the two head students. Katara’s partner was Tuia, a strong willed, 15 year old brunette. Although he was childish at times he was a great companion to have around. From the Earth nation came the young girl called Charlotte, who was introduced previously and is remarkably beautiful. Accompanying her was a dark skinned and blue eyed boy by the name of Zion who was seventeen. Next was the fire nation duo. First was Trinity, an auburn haired girl with icy eyes. She was very determined and had a fiery temper but all in all she was a very easy person to get along with. The other half of the duo was Zuko. Katara didn’t know much about him apart from he was a very powerful bender and had a large scar on his face from some sort of accident. Ever since Katara could remember the two had be joined to the hip. Finally from the air element was Aang, the avatar himself and his partner in crime, Maya. Intelligent and sheek, she does everything with efficiency. Finally the head boy and girl. Katara’s older brother Sokka make a surprisingly good head boy. Although he couldn’t bend, he was a significantly good leader. The head girl, Layla was a whole different story. She was the strongest Earthbender in the entire academy.

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