*Chapter One*

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Walking through the thick forest she think about having a mate what would he be like . Would he be nice, handsome and genuine or mean and heartless. She sighed thinking about that.

While walking she decided to head straight towards a lake nearby. Going there she went and stoop down in front of it looking at her own reflection. She smiled at her self, deeply in her thoughts she didn't realize something coming towards her until she heard the bush rustled.

Snapping her head in the direction she saw nothing but yet still she stood up in a defense position and on high alert for any threat. She heard it again but this time it was behind her and closer than before she growled aloud no liking being played with by a total strange thing.

The rustling stop and she came more alert. The thing came out of the bush and was about to attack her when she turned around incredibly fast with inhuman speed and caught its arm only to feel sparks.

The person grabbed her by the waist, held her close to him and lowly growled  in her ear for her to only hear "Mate.Mine"

She gasped surprised and happy at the same time that she have found her mate. Turning around towards him he looked into his eyes. They were the darkest green she has ever seen if she stares too long she'll be lost in them and his high cheek bones. He has a well defined eight pack chest and he looks buff, she felt like tracing his muscles.

" Like what you see little mate" He said with a so slight smirk.

She growled at the nick name he have given her. She doesn't like being called less than she is after all she is an alpha's daughter.

My ruthless twin Alpha matesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora