*Chapter 5*

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Kayley's POV

How can I be so stupid. Ugh I shouldn't have let Esme take control. Now everyone's gonna ask what happened and what do I tell then, that my inner power took control of me and her names Esme she actually wanted to kill Jake. Oh that's so not happening. I'm a werewolf and a telepath and I can also be very powerful. No one should've know about it oh gosh I'm way dead.

Suddenly a knock on my door pulled me out of my trance. Heading towards the door I stepped on a crumbled piece of paper, this wasn't in here earlier I thought. The person at the door knocked again reminding me that someone's there. Opening the door it was no other than Christen.

Hiding the crumbled paper behind me I asked " What do you want?"

She sighed and said "I saw everything. You don't need to hide your not the only one like that I have powers too."
I was shocked and confused at the same time so I said.

"What are you talking about?"
She just rolled her eyes and step inside my room closing the door behind her.

"Look. You're a telepath and I'm a Polaris." She said. I stated at her wide eyed and speechless.

"Are you serious?"I asked .
She rolled her eyes which is a big habit of hers and said.

"Yes dum dum I am. Watch this."
She turned to the wall in my room and held both her hands and twirled her fingers and saw green magic started to swirl around her fingers as she tried to pull something out the wall. She seemed so focused, looking at the wall I realize why she was so focused. She is tearing my freaking wall down by taking a metal steel out.

"Okay,okay I get it now stop."
She stopped and smiled at me saying.

"See I told ya."

"Yeah right. Now will you please leave?"

"Sure see you at lunch"

"OK." Sitting down on my bed,I opened the paper and read it. It said

"You can't hide forever Kayley. Didn't I tell you we were watching. Just tell us where Kyanna is and we'll let Lilah go."

Tearing the paper apart I through it in the garbage bin in my room. I can't believe this they actually found me. I will not give them what they want. They won't succeed.

You might be wondering who's Lilah and Kyanna well they are my cousins and they are sisters. They also have powers like my sister and I .

The our person who needs Kyanna is powerful werewolf who didn't like my mom and aunt which is Kyanna and lilah's mom. That werewolf was in love with my dad but unfortunately my mom was his mate. They had me and Chris ten which made that werewolf more jealous. She also hated my aunt because they were best friends along with my mom but my aunt told that werewolf that my mom and fast are mates and that can't change. So she hated my parents and aunt and also wanted to kill my sister and I.

She found out years after that the four of us had powers and she wanted us dead. So one afternoon all four of us were walking and didn't know that she was hiding and suddenly she attacked us and only caught Lilah. She ran away with her and hold her captive.

Kyanna's with her mother in the neighboring pack "The red moon pack". The werewolf wants her so she can use her power against Mine and my aunt's pack to destroy us all to take back revenge.

My ruthless twin Alpha matesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora