Chapter Ninteen

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Impatiently looking up from my watch with a squint, I huffed.

"Where is he, we're about to miss the bus," I griped to myself.

Ellie and I stood outside, eagerly watching the road for Greyson.

"I don't know man but–"

Ellie was brought to silence at the thrilling sight of Greyson's car pulling into the driveway with a screech.

Peering into his car, I momentarily grinned at the sight of Genevieve's almost petrified expression, seeming to clutch at her seat.

Greyson frantically motioned for us to hurry, prompting me to grab both my bag and Ellie's to run over to his car.

Ellie was right behind me with his crutches, hurriedly making his way over to the back door.

Sitting down, I silently gasped as Greyson began to quickly back up.

"Buckle up you guys," Genevieve warned with a strained voice.


As Greyson floored the gas like a maniac, Ellie and I were forced back into our seats to stare ahead with wide eyes as the car became like a spaceship entering hyperspace, the road and everything around us becoming a blurred mess.

Sharing a crazed look with Ellie, we both simultaneously buckled our seatbelts to prepare for what wild ride we were sure to undergo.

"Oh my gosh... w-watch out for that car Greyson! You almost hit that squirrel," Genevieve yelled.

"The squirrel made its decision to run into the road... not my fault," Greyson retorted calmly.

"Greyson," Gen strained.

Laughing, I was amused yet still a tad bit afraid with Greyson speeding through town.

Ellie cheerfully yelled in excitement, seeming to enjoy the ride more than anyone else.

"Hey Grey, if we come across a ramp, just go for it!"

"Ellie, do not advice such a thing when I'm in the front seat," Genevieve shakily stated.

Carelessly speeding down a steep hill, the car seemed to fly, creating a brief moment of anti gravity that allowed my body to weightlessly hover over my seat; similar to the feeling I get when alone with Greyson, the gradual, fuzzy sensation in the pit of my stomach came over me with a jolt of excitement.

The the road before us seemed as if it were speedily approaching the car itself, prompting me to hold onto the handle near the car's ceiling.

"We're going to get pulled over... it's going to happen," Genevieve mumbled to herself.

Making a turn, Greyson laughed along with Ellie as we all were forced to the right.

Tightly holding onto the handle with both hands now, I helplessly glimpsed up at my wrist watch to see that we had two minutes to make it to school.

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