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We get back to campus and Maya practically forces me to carry her. "You're such a baby." "I'm your baby." She lifts her head off of my shoulder to my face me. I stop walking and I peck at her  lips as she starts to smile. She lays her head back on my shoulder and starts playing with my hair.

We get to my dorm and Maya is already asleep. I place Maya on my bed and I take off the hoodie she's wearing and she says "No cowboy I'm too tired." "Shhh." I say as I put a blanket over her. I took off my clothes leaving my boxers on. I laid on my back looking at the ceiling until Maya climbed on top of me. She laid her head on my chest and wrapped her legs around my waist. I rubbed her head and she snuggled her head deeper into my chest. I smile at her while saying "you're such a baby." She shakes her head and looks up at me with her big blue eyes. She moves the hair out of my face and gets closer to me to the point where out nosed are touching. She takes some hair clips out of her hair to take the hair from out my face. "No Maya I don't like that." "Stop whining you baby." She says as she puts the last pin in my hair. I start to pout and Maya looks at me and smiles. "Stop being a baby of I won't give you anymore kisses." I innocently smile then pucker my lips out. Maya laughs while leaning in slowly. She kisses my nose and lays back down. "That's not fair." She puts her hand up to my lips to keep me quiet. "Maya I'm hungry I need you to get off of me." "No hold me."

"No Maya I'm hungry." I look at Lucas and I pout. "Please stay with me I just want to cuddle." Lucas picks me up and says "do you want to come eat with me or go to your room?" "I want to cuddle." Lucas sits me on his bed and hands me a shirt and some shorts. "Get dressed." I look at Lucas and I smile. Lucas looks at me and smiles. "What?" "Nothing." I say as I start putting the clothes on.

We get to the cafe on campus and Lucas gets me a smoothie and yogurt. "Thank you." Lucas sits next to me and kisses me. I smile "you just want me to kiss you." He nods while leaning in again. Lucas kisses me and I kiss him back. I pull away and look at the time. Shit I have an hour to get ready from class. "I have to get ready for class. Bye." "Can I come with you?" "No Huckleberry you can't." He slowly starts to nod his head while whispering in my ear "but you want me to." "Goodbye." I say as I walk away.

I went back to my dorm and Spencer was there. "Hey Maya." "Hi Spencer." She hugs me and her hand is on my butt. My face gets really red and I let go of the hug "I have to go take a shower." I slip into the bathroom.

After class Spencer walks up to me and Maya and she puts her arm around Mayas shoulder and says "your ass look great today." And she walks away. "Thanks?" Maya says as she walks away. "What was that?" I ask Maya. "I don't know." I take of my jacket and I wrap it around Mayas waist. "Come on ranger rick she was just kidding." She says while trying to take it off. I hold her hands in place trying to stop her. "Fine but only because I love it when you get overprotective." I bite my lip trying to hide a smile.

We walk to Mayas dorm and we sit in the hallway talking. "Tell Spence to stop flirting with you." "She's not flirting she's just kidding around. Come on." She says as she drags me into her dorm. "Hey Spencer." Smiles and says "hey Lucas, Maya." She winks at Maya and I drag Maya out of the room. "She's flirting with you." "No she's not Lucas be nice. Please. She's my only friend. Please." "Fine but only because I love you." I roll my eyes.

We end up watching a movie together and Lucas lays his head on my chest and I lay my head on Spencer's shoulder. Lucas looks at me concerned and I start to play with his hair. They both end up falling asleep. I kiss both of their hands and they both cuddle up closer to me. I end up falling asleep.

"Maya." "What." I open my eyes and I see Lucas. "Tell Spencer to leave I want to cuddle with only you." I raise my eyebrows while saying "you said you would be nice." Lucas furrows his eyebrows and I kiss his forehead. I say "now stop it and go back to sleep." He lays his head back on my chest and tightly wraps his arms around my waist. "I love you lukie pookie." He groans and Buries his head deeper into my chest. I look at Spencer and I smile. I wrap my arm around her and I fall asleep.

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