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I woke up with my body tangled with Luke’s and one of his hands loosely holding my hair and the other resting on my hip. My phone read 11:30am and I groaned as someone knocked on the door.

“Who is it?” I shouted, making Luke jerk awake and angrily cover his head with a pillow as he tried to go back to sleep.

“Lori,” he shouted from outside the room, “notice how I knocked this time? Can I come in? I have coffee for you and Luke.”

“Um, no it’s okay, just leave it outside,” I yelled back, falling out of the bed and yanking some clothes on, before pulling the sheets away from Luke’s body, leaving him groaning at me to leave him be. After 5 minutes of me throwing clothes at him, he finally put some on and rolled out of bed with a thud as he landed on the floor and I giggled as he laughed, sitting up and putting his hand out for me to pull him up with. I tugged weakly at his hand, obviously unable to pull him to his feet.

“You’re hopeless,” he laughed.

“But you’re so lazy,” I complained.

“I’m just really tired,” he argued, “I haven’t slept for ages.” Then he finally got up and gripped my hand as we walked out of the room and downstairs for... well, lunch.

“Hey Mackenzie,” Luke said as he bounced into the kitchen, “need any help?”

“Someone’s in a good mood,” Mackenzie teased, “you can chop some onions if you want. Luke! Look outside!” she squeaked suddenly, pointing at someone coming down the drive. I followed Luke outside to see a tall blonde-haired girl, about our age, who literally looked like a model, sauntering down the path.

“Luke!” she squealed, running to hug Luke, who just stood there in a dazed state, “I missed you baby.”

“Uh, Rose, this is Kasey, my uh... ex girlfriend,” he said, glaring at Kasey who was pouting.

“Hi Rose,” she said, and I could already hear the bitchiness in her voice, “aw Lukey I missed you so much.”

“Yeah,” Luke said, tapping his foot anxiously.

“So how do you know Luke?” Kasey said, looking over to me.

“He’s my boyfriend,” I said bluntly, “we go to school together.”

“Luke, you never said you had a new girlfriend,” Kasey pouted.

“Yeah, well, surprise,” he nervously laughed, throwing his hands out in fake-awe and then wrapping one hand around my waist protectively.

“So... Are you like... Staying or...?” Luke questioned Kasey.

“I don’t know, maybe for the day? That’s cool right?” she replied.

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