Ouma is Sick.... For Once

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This is like 3 weeks later so..

Kokichi's View

"NOO! I WANNA DRINK PANTA!" I screamed as I was being held down by Saihara-chan, Amami-kun and Chabashira-san.. "Ouma-chan! Please! Just rest.. You're sick okay? Just sleep and we'll bring your Panta tomorrow" Saihara-chan logically reasoned.. But being me..

"NO!! Only Mom can do that and you're not mom!"

"See that you degenerate males? Ouma-chan doesn't want your help! She wants Tojo-san's care! So get out"

Amami-kun rolled his eyes and left already.. Aww man.. "Uhm Chabashira-san.. Please leave.. Everyone knows Ouma-chan just needs Saihara-chan.. So get out" Shirogane-san bluntly commented.. 

"Ggrrr.. Fine! But I'll go to this room again in case you male harass sweet Ouma-chan!" With that she left.. "Hehehe.. I'll leave.. " she turned to the door and left with the door closed..

"Uhmm... Why couldn't you just call Tojo-san?"

"Because she's too busy.. I feel like everything will fall apart without her working for even a millisecond"

"Uhm.. No.. Tell me the real reason"

I groaned and sat up straight "It's true! Shirogane-san knows that first hand!"

Shuichi's view

"W-what?! What happened?!" I asked... Ouma-chan put her finger on her lips and shushed me.. "Its better you shouldn't know..now get me another blanket! Im cold!"

I sighed and closed the door.. I made sure to give her my warmest blanket.. When I came back.. There was already two more bottles of Panta that was obviously under the bed and a staring Ouma at the door..

I raised an eyebrow and asked "You couldn't even wait for like a second?."

"Sorry.. It was getting pretty boring.."

I sighed and held her arm.. To my surprise.. Her skin was ice cold.. I shot back up and looked at her with worried eyes.. "It's okay Saihara-chan! It's only *sniffle* a bit of cold.. No *cute sneeze* big deal"

And I did something I would never do.. I carried her bridal style to the bed.. Laid down next to her and practically held her.. Her body was the perfect size to be held..

During that.. She stared at me with wide eyes but still kept silent.. Her face was cherry red.. "D-don't do that again!!" Awww..
I took her and my blanket and basically covered ourselves with it..

I was about to doze off when she said.. "Nishishi~ I have a secret to tell you.."

"What is it?" I asked lazily

"Theres a camera recording this"

Yeah this is short but this is the only thing I can manage okay? I have writers block okay??

Also ghabbbb ... Stop reading this! You're not familiar with Danganronpa!

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