Chapter 2

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"Class dismiss."

Our professor's voice echoed the silent room (and yes, he's very strict), which made us rose from our seats and greeted him goodbye. He nodded and went away with his stuffs.

"What's our next subject again?" I asked Jibeom and yes, we're classmates in Geometry while the other googoos, the 99 liners in our group, have different classes. Well, except Jibeom and--

"Lol we aren't classmates in the next subject. Mine's Literature though." He shrugged and walked away with his fellow other classmates in that subject. I sighed and get my stuffs.

"I remember, it's Biology. Stupid me." I slapped my forehead and walked away from this classroom.


"Good morning class! Shall we start our discussion?"

While the professor scribbled our discussion on the white board, I started to wrote some notes.

"Write some shits on your notebook, Hong Joochan." I whispered as I took a glance of my seatmate, doodling some cartoons on the back of his notebook.

"Why should I?" He whispered back while rolling his eyes. I ignored his question and continued wrote some notes.

"If the professor calls you, it's not my fault for--"

"Good morning and I'm sorry for being late, Professor Kang."

I looked up and saw a girl huffing and puffing like she's run out of air. Professor Kang stopped and looked at her.

"So you're the girl who's absent at the first day of the sec. sem and now, you're late?" The girl slowly nod. Professor Kang snatched the seat plan from the table.

"You'll be sitting beside the window." She said to the girl coldly and continued wrote some stuffs in the board. The girl covered her mouth and went to her seat.

I took a glance at her. She has brown hair, fari skin---

Suddenly, my cheeks became red again. I smiled.

So it's her again. Can't believe we're classmates.

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