Chapter 2: School

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Katie's POV:

It's a cold Monday morning. I'm laying in my bed, eyes wide open. I turn my head to look at my alarm clock. It's 7:00 in the morning. I got straight out of bed and ran to my closet. I grabbed a black long sweater, a pair of gray skinny jeans, my only worn out sneakers, and a black Beanie.

I put all of my clothes on my bed and looked in my mirror. I have a bruse under my left eye, a cut on my right cheek, and a bump on the corner of my lip. That's not all the scars I have. I take off my shirt and see cuts and bruses and scars all over my arms. I have a big black a blue mark on the right side of neck. My life sucks. Big time.

I use my mom's foundation to cover everything up on my face. It sure works cause Niall never noticed anything. My arms are another story. He always questions me why I always where sweaters. Even in the summer. I say It's just something I like to wear, and he leaves the subject alone.

I wish I could tell him everything that's happening. I'm just afraid that he'll go to the police and I'll have no where to live. My mom sure as hell doesn't want me here with Jeremy, but i have no one to go too. So I'm better off just staying here.... For now.

I looked at my alarm clock again. SHIT IT'S 7:30 I'M GONNA BE LATE! I quickly put on my clothes, jumping all over the place and falling on the floor. Finally I got everything on, I checked myself in the mirror, everything looks good. Okay. I grabbed my bag and ran out the door not grabbing breakfast or saying goodbye to my mom. I took my skateboard from the garage and skated off.


When I got to school, it was 8:15. I hopped off my skateboard and ran into the school. I forgot that I have biology first period and if I'm late again my teacher will suspend me. Fuck.

I ran straight into biology, but the teacher stopped me short. He gave me a dirty look and I knew what was going to happen next. He pointed out the door which meant I had to go to the principles office. I was so furious! So upset! But the face expression I had didnt seem to show those feelings I had inside me. Niall was my biology partner. I felt his eyes on me the whole time, but I never once made eye contact. I wonder what was going through his head.

Niall's POV:

Why is Katie acting like this?! Why is she always coming in late to biology? Why is she always wearing sweaters? Why am I never allowed over at her house? These questions keep building up inside me and I don't understand why Katie always avoids them. Ever since freshman year she's been acting like this. She never tells me anything anymore, and I don't know why.

After biology, I go to the principles office. I peek through the door and all I see is Katie and the biology teacher. God I hate him. I hear the principal speaking but I can't make out what he's saying. I turn my head so I could hear what's going on, but then I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up, it was my math teacher. She looked pissed. I gave her an awkward smile and a wave. She picked up from my ear and dragged me to class.

"OW, OW, OW, OWW!"

Katie's POV:

"I don't what I'm going to do with you Katie! Your always late to biology, your flunking math, and your not even speaking up in class anymore. This has been going on for 2 years now, and it needs to stop.-"

I sat there quietly. Hands in my lap. My biology teacher hovering over me. God I really hate him. I wanted to tell the principal what's going on at home, but my mouth never moved. He's been giving me so many chances since I started coming here. Why can't I just let it all out. Get it over with.

"- Katie are you listening to me?"

I jumped out of my thoughts and spoke up.


"Good. Now can you do me a favor and tell me why your acting like this?"

I shook my head no.

"Why not?" he sounded very concerned.

I just shrugged my shoulders. He took a deep breath, and leaned forward.

"You know you can tell me anything right?"

I didnt answer that question. He leaned back in his chair.

"Alright that's enough, you can go to your next class."

As soon as he said that I got up, walked right out the door and quickly walked to my next class not saying a word to anyone.


When I got to lunch I saw Niall waving his hand to me, which meant he wanted me to sit with him. As I walked to the table he was sitting at, people started staring at me. I didn't really pay attention to them, I just focused on Niall. I sat down across from him and I started pealing my orange. It was quite for a bit, till Niall said something.

"How are you?"

I just kept pealing my orange.

"Is everything okay?" he sounded really worried.

We made eye contact.

"Yeah. Everythings fine.."

"Sure doesn't seem like it."

I slammed my hands on the table. Everyone looked at us. I grabbed my things and walked out the lunch room. Maybe sitting outside will make me calm down alittle.

I don't know why I acted like that inside. Everything has been so hard ever since I moved in with Jeremy. My life is ripping at the seams and theres nothing I can do to sew it back up. As I sat outside eating my orange, someone came out and sat next to me. It was Niall. A tear rolled down my face. Everything came out all at once, my head was on his shoulder and I bursted into tears. I had to tell him. It hurt NOT to tell him. Is this a good time to let it all out? As we sat on the curb, with my head on his shoulder, I decided to tell him everything.

"Niall?" my throat was sore from the crying.

"Yeah.." his eyes widened.

"Im sorry that I haven't told you everything... I'm sorry that I haven't been the same person lately.... I'm so.. so sorry." I started to cry again.

"Hey- " he stroked my head.

"-It's okay."

I gave him a big hug. I didn't wanna let go. I loved the feeling of being in his arms. But I eventually let go and cleared my throat.

"Jeremy, my mom's boyfriend, has been abusing us for the past two years.-"

I looked at Niall, tears filled up in his eyes. I tried not to look.

"-He's left scars all over me... I never told you because I thought you would call the police. The police would take me away from my mom and I wouldn't have any where to live."

Niall looked very angry.


"Niall please don't! I don't have any where else to go!"

Niall was pacing back and forth. He just looked at me.

Niall's POV:

I saw the pain in her eyes and I just broke down in tears. I sat down by her side and grabbed her hand tightly.

"Kat.. I can help you. Let me help you love."

She shook her head yes and I was relieved. I brought her into a hug. We stayed like that till the bell rang.

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