A mermaid rescues a drowning sailor from the ship that had been his doom, but there's still a crew to be saved and a unique friendship to be forged.
I hope I didn't abandon this fic permanently, but don't expect updates in the near f...
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This art (by Gothikichigo on DeviantArt) REALLY has nothing to do with the story. But it's funny. So there.
"Are you sure he still knows where it is? It'll have moved since he checked it out, and maybe he estimated its course wrong."
Lance briefly dipped his head under the water to again saturate his drying face and hair. "First off, she's a she. Her chirps are distinctly feminine, and she talks far too much to be male. Second, you can't hear them since they're underwater, but the rest of her pod--" He looked at Keith pointedly at the use of the word. "--keeps coming within calling distance and telling her where it is now. That's how she's staying on course so well. And by the way, you really need to stop underestimating sea creatures. One day you'll get on their wrong side, and they'll go from benevolent scenery to a vicious force to be reckoned with."
"Whatever you say," Keith chuckled, then turned to look at the dolphin for what must have been the hundredth time since it (she, whatever) had taken over from the tuna. As he watched, she leapt out of the waves and flipped in midair, landing with a spectacular splash. He had to admit, dolphins were much more beautiful when they weren't being viewed from twenty feet above. Being this much closer made it that much more amazing.
Lance grinned as he saw Keith admiring the cetacean. The sheer wonder filling his expression-- it made all the tiredness and concern for his friends just... disappear. He was carefree, unburdened with any of the troubles of the world. The sun shone gloriously on his dark hair, and he bore an expression of openmouthed awe with a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. All the creatures of the ocean had their various traits of splendor or strength or individuality, but Keith had something different. He was simply... beautiful.
Keith said something, but Lance couldn't hear him over the sounds of the water rushing past him and his own thoughts swirling wildly in the currents of his imagination. "What?" he asked.
"How much farther?" Keith repeated, still not turning around. "Could you ask her?"
Lance really didn't want to. He didn't want to break the spell of Keith's wonder. But there was no way he could refuse, so he called to her. She turned and started tailwalking, chattering back to him.
"How much farther?" he asked in the sea language.
She chattered her response, then fell back into the water, briefly shooting forward, then coming back a bit to wait for them to catch up.
"At this rate, we'll catch up a few hours before dawn, give or take," Lance informed him.
The wonder disappeared, replaced with firm resolve. "Good."
Lance stared at Keith, not really realizing that he still was. The lighthearted Keith was a sight to see, but this one... he was something else entirely. He was willing to risk everything (not that he had much to lose) for a group of people that might not even be alive anymore. While carefree Keith was beautiful, this one... it was awe-inspiring. Did human loyalty truly have no bounds?