Chapter 8: Ghost

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**Listen to Juice by Kris Wu **

It seems like a cool song for the fight scene.

Can't lose, I got juice
And they know I do
Come through with your posse
Gettin' nasty
'Cause I got the sauce, yeah
Can't lose, I got juice
And they know I do

**Chapter 8: Ghost**

**Aeliana's POV**

The fighting had already started when we arrived as the others had gotten to the compound before we had.

I took out the first vampire that came at me and I had no remorse while shooting him in the head, although, I was quite taken aback when he disintegrated to dust right before my eyes.

I knew Gunnar had said our new bullets were lethal but I never realized they were going to vaporize the monsters. All I'd been told was to aim for the head or heart.

Gunnar had just shipped in new bullets that he'd acquired from a vampire hunting friend of his and the bullets were laced in something they called 'ghost'. It was just as lethal to a vampire as a stake to the heart and apparently, it disintegrated them too.

I nodded in approval as I glanced down at the gun.

I actually felt safe knowing I had an upper hand against these blood sucking monsters.

"Trigger, get into the mansion and find Sergio. We'll hold them off here." Gunnar instructed right after he'd shot yet another vampire in the head.

Trigger nodded and motioned for Bullet, Marks and I to follow after him. Maverick joined us too.

Trigger set a detonator on the impenetrable looking door and we stepped back to a safe distance before Trigger blew up the door.

We rushed in, taking out every vampire in our path as we went.

Trigger pointed his fingers at Bullet and himself, motioning to the ground, then he motioned to the rest of us and pointed upwards which translated to 'Bullet and I will search the lower level and you three search the upper level'.

Maverick, Marks and I nodded before going up the stairs and just as we walked into the hallway, the lights went out, blinding us in the darkness, so, I took out my night vision goggles and put them on.

Gunnar had told us that the vampires used darkness as a strategy to blind their enemies when under attack and he was right. We all would've been screwed if we didn't have these goggles.

Just then I spotted three figures move out of the room on the far end of the hallway and I immediately fired at them, missing as they were out of sight in a flash.

"Shit." Maverick cursed before motioning for Marks and I to search the rooms while he tried to trace down the figures that had escaped.

One after the other, Marks and I searched the rooms in the narrow and long hallway. Marks taking the left side while I took the right.

All the rooms had been empty, there weren't any sign of the vampires. It was like they'd all fled.

I guessed the ghost bullets had scared them off.

Marks and I went on to the end of the hallway, going up the stairs to the next level.

Just as I'd gotten up the last step, I heard a scream and rushed in the direction of the sound.

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