Chapter 23: Murderers In A Cell

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**A photo of Seth played by Shawn Mendes in the media box**

(He's such a cutie 😊)

Chapter 23: Murderers In A Cell

**Theron's POV**

**2000 years ago**

I watched as Aeliana was pulled through the streets by Terlan guards while people gathered to watch, wondering what had occurred.

Aeliana's face emotionless as she stared ahead, not bothering to look at the face of anyone.

I glanced down at her wrists and ankles which were bound with shackles and it broke my heart to see her treated in such a way.

I felt a hand touch my shoulder and my attention was pulled from Aeliana.

"I know it is hard to see her like this but-"

"I would rather you not speak to me, Tatiana." I frowned, shrugging her hand off my shoulder. I could not dare to look at her anymore. She had betrayed me and cost Aeliana her life.

Tatiana had told Asclepius everything about the outcasts bringing Aeliana back to life and when we had first suspected she had killed someone. She had left out no detail and Asclepius had immediately ordered a search for Aeliana, promising to execute her the moment she was found, according to Terlan laws against killers.

I had tried to explain to Asclepius that Aeliana was innocent but no one believed me with the evidence stacked against her.

I knew Aeliana, she was no killer. It made no sense that she was a killer. She had the purest heart. It just was not possible. There had to be some other explanation but no one was willing to investigate further and they were just going to let an innocent girl die.

"I do not regret my decision, Theron." Tatiana said and I clenched my jaw to stop from yelling at her. "She would have killed us all eventually if I said nothing."

I scoffed, shaking my head in disappointment. Tatiana was supposed to be Aeliana's friend but she was trying to get her killed.

"She had tried to kill you as well. You cannot still believe her to be innocent!" She tried to turn me to face her but I stiffened myself so I stayed rooted in my spot. "You cannot be serious, Theron! Has she perhaps bewitched you?"

"Aeliana is not a cold blooded killer! Neither has she bewitched me! You are all wrong about her!" I yelled out and Tatiana flinched from my loud voice. A few people close to us turned to me with pointed looks but I did not care. Aeliana was innocent and I was not going to let her die. I was going to save her, no matter the cost.


"Theron." Seth glared as I stepped into his apartment. "Why are you here?" He got off the wooden chair he was seated on, crossing his arms in hostility.

"I do not believe you, Seth." I stepped further into the apartment. "Aeliana did not attack you, did she?"

"I know you think me to be evil, Theron but contrary to what you think, I would never frame Aeliana, especially not for something like this." He stepped closer to me, dropping his arms to his sides. "She did attack me and she attacked you as well."

"She would never attack me or anyone!" I told him. He was wrong. Aeliana would have never hurt anyone.

"You are in denial, Theron. Aeliana is a killer and the faster we rid the earth of her, the better."

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