6 ~ Jenny Lind

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: Ellie :

                                    Who would ever think that me, Ellie Wheeler, would be in a castle this close to Queen Victoria? Not me, that's for sure. Mr. Barnum, Phillip, and Daniel were up front. Followed by Anne, W.D, and I. And after us, the rest of the circus. To be honest, I felt uncomfortable being in my trapeze outfit when first meeting the queen. A small pink shawl was wrapped around me, covering my shoulders. "Why aren't we in tails?" Phillip asked Mr. Barnum from in front of us. "We're the entertainment." Mr. Barnum replied, causing me to frown. Of course. Just the entertainment. Nothing special over here. "Don't see you in a costume." Lettie sassed at Mr. Barnum, and I couldn't help but chuckle. Anne nudged me in the shoulder and gave me a scolding look. "Your majesty, Mr. Phineas T. Barnum and his....oddities from America!" A man exclaimed, queuing for us to come out. Mr. Barnum led the way and like always, I was given stares and gasps.
                                                       "Your majesty. May I present Mr. Barnum." Daniel stated and moved out the way for Mr. Barnum to walk up. "The honor is mine Mr, Barnum." Victoria told him, bowing her head ever so slightly. "And I've heard all about your little colonel from my friends in America." Victoria said. "General M'am." That only caused Victoria to gasp. But I didn't care about Victoria quite frankly. My mind was somewhere else. It was on those big blues. "You're even smaller than I imagined." Victoria told us, quite rudely in my opinion. "Well you're not exactly reaching the top shelf yourself, sweetheart." Gasps arose. But still, my mind was somewhere else. I never noticed how soft his voice was. We all looked down. Anne, W.D, Lettie, Daniel, Phillip, me. Until the queen began to laugh. Anne and I slowly looked up as everyone erupted with laughter.
                                                                I was talking with Anne and W.D, but my eyes weren't on them. They were on Daniel. And when his eyes met mine, I turned back to Anne. The same man who introduced us introduced a singer, Ms. Jenny Lind. Daniel was giving her his full attention which annoyed me quite a bit. Soon enough, Daniel, Phillip, and Mr. Barnum were walking over to Ms. Lind. Daniel kissed her hand, sending me a pang Of Jealously. Whatever. Just ignore him as he has to you.


(Ellie's Dress)

                                                      Phillip and Daniel led the way to a standing room at the very top of the theatre, through the very back

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                                                      Phillip and Daniel led the way to a standing room at the very top of the theatre, through the very back. I know why. Barnum doesn't want us to be seen. My dress was simple, and as always, Anne looked prettier. Daniel and Phillip filed us in and I was in front of Anne, next to Daniel. Great. I looked straight, with no sign of emotion on my face. Mr. Barnum came out on the stage and began to talk, "Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for your patience. I recently had the privilege of hearing the most divine voice I've ever heard." I stood still, looking straight. "Now I know that sounds like Barnum humbug. But I have a 100 bottles of good champagne on ice this isn't just another sideshow novelty." No emotion. No tears. "May I present, Ms. Jenny Lind."


                                     I couldn't hear the stupid song over my beating heart. Thump. Thump. Thump. It felt like it was about to pop out of my chest any moment now. Daniel and I were inches away, his breath seemed to be unsteady. Just like mine. Suddenly, I felt my fingers brush against his, causing me to gasp slightly. His touch was warm and soft. My heart continued to beat furiously. Daniel grabbed my hand, and our fingers intertwined. His hand and my slightly smaller one. It was perfect. And I held on, screaming inside but trying not to on the outside. I took a small glance behind me to notice Anne holding Phillip's hand as well. I couldn't help but let a small smile form on my lips. Though, something was off. I felt a stare burning into my side.
I noticed that Daniel had glanced over at the booth next to us, so I decided to as well. Bad decision. Daniel's parents were staring at our intertwined hands, whispering and sending dirty looks. Daniel's hand slipped away from mine. As if he had just been touching fire. A burning, hideous, useless fire. I looked to Daniel, as startled that I was, and he had no emotion on his face. Like he didn't care what happened. I looked behind me at Anne and she grabbed my hand as we slowly slipped away from the theatre. We found ourselves in the lobby, in our beautiful dresses and outrageous makeup. I couldn't help but let a tear escape my cheek. "It seems to me," Anne began, sniffling and hugging me, "that the Carlye's are not fond of the Wheelers." She finished. "Boys are stupid. I'm stupid." I replied to Anne. Gosh. What was I thinking. Me, marrying someone from the most rich family in town? Never.
Anne pulled back and frowned. "Don't ever say that." She began softly. "I can't hide the truth Anne. Someone as handsome and rich and dashing as Daniel isn't going to choose Circus Ellie." I replied and pulled Anne back in for a hug. "Ellie stop. You look amazing and that dress is wonderful on you. Now, how about you and I go home and continue A Rasin in the Sun? Hm?" A Rasin in the Sun is a book Anne and I have been reading together. I smiled and nodded. "Of course."


It was the next day and I was wrapping my hands when Mr. Barnum called me over. "Yes Mr. Barnum?" I asked, my accent thick. "Well I got a ticket for the theatre a few days ago and I was wondering if you'd want it because I can't make it..." Mr. Barnum rambled on. I smiled and jumped up excitedly. "Yes!" I've always wanted to go to the theatre! My smile quickly changed into a frown when I realized I didn't have a dress. "I know what you're thinking." Mr. Barnum began with a smile. He grabbed a hanger with a dress bad slung on it and handed it to me. "Here. I knew that you'd say that. Enjoy!" Mr. Barnum yelled, running off to do some work. I'm going to the theatre.


(Ellie's Outfit)

                                     I was dressed in the beautiful dress Mr

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I was dressed in the beautiful dress Mr. Barnum had gifted me, on my way to the theatre. My heart was pumping loudly and I felt my childish side coming out. I'd always wanted to go to the theatre. It was just so expensive. Having to buy a dress, the ticket, or tickets Because I wasn't allowed to go without Anne or W.D. But now, it was dream coming true. Being 14 and going to the theatre alone is a bit embarrassing. But I don't mind. I walked up to the man in the box office and began to ask him for my ticket. "Ellie Wheeler. Mr. Barnum said he left a ticket for me." The man pulled out two tickets from a box and I slightly chuckled. "I'm- I'm sorry. I-I believe there's only supposed to be one." I stated. Quite embarrassed that I'm here alone, but, oh well. "No there's, meant to be two."


~ Maya😉

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