Fox x freddy

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~Fox pov~
Here we go again! Another day of high school...but at least I get to see Chica....I'm pretty sure she has a crush on golden tho...but I still love her....
"Agh! What to wear?" I said ripping through my clothes, I then pulled out my uniform "this will do..." I mumble as I put it on and calmly walk out the door
~Nobody pov~
As foxy was walking (probably daydreaming about chica) but his daydreaming was cut off bye screaming and the sound of someone familiar......
"Duez" fox mumbled to him self "What are they doing now?" Fox says to himself following the sound until he was able to hear more clearly of what was going on
"Hey guys? I happen to have Sisscors with me...why don't we give our friend a haircut?" Duez said snapping them as oxy and onnie nod in agreement "N-No....please!!!" The victim cried out "ugh! Another bully scene?! How many times do I have to teach them a lesson about bullying Bonnie?!" Foxy growled to himself, but that didn't matter now because he had to act fast, he began running over to the scene however they already started cutting Bonnie's hair "N-NO!" Bonnie yelled with sobbing after that "HEY! LEAVE HIM ALONE BASTERDS!!" Fox yelled "oh sh!t! Come on guys! Let's flee" Duez yelled as they ran away leaving Bonnie and fox "Are you ok Bonn-"
Fox was cut of by a realization to find out that who was in front of him wasn't was Freddy...and he looked terrible!!...his arms were all bruised along with his legs...his hair was a mess! The back were his ponytail is was cut off close to looking like it was ripped off due to how uneven it was his face didn't look bad except he had a massive bloody nose and he had his face buried in his hand with tears streaming from his eyes nonstop as he cried out loud..."Freddy?" Fox said slowly putting his hand on Freddy's shoulder but Freddy continued crying "what did they do to you and why?" Fox asked, Freddy continued crying but eventually explained "I was just walking to school until they showed up...they wanted to know where Bonnie was but I didn't tell them...and then they did this to me!" Freddy managed to say before crying again, Fox was completely shocked about all this he wanted to just...kill Duez and his friends but right now he had to help Freddy...'what to do...' fox thought but immediately got an idea "hey! I think I know how to fix your hair!" Fox said, Freddy slightly wiped his tears "H-how?" He studdered "I'll take you to meg! She has a spray that makes your hair longer! What do you say?" Fox said reaching his hand down to help Freddy up "O-okay..." Freddy said still crying a little
After they get the spray
"So? What do you think?" Fox said showing Freddy his hair "thank you!...but you really didn't have to do this fox..." Freddy said
"Nonsense! What are friends for?" Fox said..."it's getting pretty should go home" fox said scratching his neck "ok....see you tomorrow fox" Freddy said waving goodbye....
~the next day~

'Man...helping Freddy felt so good' fox thought to himself as he was walking to school in fact he couldn't wait to see Freddy again! Foxy was almost around the corner but was stopped by a familiar voice

"Oh look who it is!"


"It's mr tough! It's too bad he ruined our fun yesterday with our other friend...hey! How about we have a little fun with him?" Duez said as oxy and onnie agree as usual...."I'm not looking for a fight" fox said not amused "But WE are!" Duez said pushing fox to the floor against the wall "were gonna teach you a lesson about ruining our fun..." Duez said with a evil grin on his face as he lifted um his fist getting ready to give fox the biggest punch in his life, fox closed his eyes waiting...but the punch never sounded like Duez got punched instead fox opened his eyes and was shocked for what he was seeing...Freddy was standing between him and Duez, oxy and onnie
"Leave him alone!" Freddy yelled "oh look....our other friend came to join him" Duez laughed getting closer "I said Get away BULLY!" Freddy yelled once again, Duez stopped with a death stare "Do you know who ur talking to?" Duez raised his voice "do I look like I give a flying chicken?! Basterd!" Freddy replied "Look Duez! We're not here to look for a fight! We just Want to go! But NO you and your gang wanna mess around! fox did nothing to deserve this neither does anyone else! Now excuse my language but with you kindly FUCK OFF?!" Freddy yelled making Duez back up in shock before Duez could say anything freddy spoke again "Well?! What are you waiting for?! GO!" Freddy scowled "this isn't over!" Duez said "well then I guess I better end it now..." Freddy said, he made a fist and popped Duez in the nose "AGH! Let's get outta here!" Oxy said as him and onnie picked up Duez and ran

"Fox? Are you okay?!" Freddy said helping him up "Did they hurt you?! I swear to god if they did I will KILL them!!!" Freddy said reaching for his knife "No they didn't hurt me..." fox replied as Freddy slowly putted his knife away "I didn't know you had it in you" fox said in shock "yeah....." Freddy replied smiling "hey fox...i wanted to give you something..." Freddy said blushing "what?" Fox asked, Freddy pulled out a pink envelope with a heart on it and gave it to looked at it and realized what it was...."Y-You like me? Fox asked "Y-Yes...." Freddy said blushing madly about to put the envy down until fox grabbed his hands confusing Freddy as he looked up at fox "I love you to Freddy" fox said, Freddy shot a hug at Fox who hugged back..."we should get to school and tell them the news" fox said, Freddy nodded

And the walked to school together...

DONE! lol so I got this idea when I was looking up frexy from the original fnaf but then I started thinking about fnafhs and I thought 'hmmmm I wonder what frexy looks like in fnafhs' and BOOM! Here we are! I hope you guys enjoyed this!

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