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Requested by: HotCat37


Mentions of oxy x onnie

Nobody's POV

Fox lazily got out of bed and smacked the alarm clock...

Time to go to school, but boy did fox hate school

If he could he would probably zap school out if existence

But there was one boy who kept fox at school, a tough, brave and if you must say cute..his name was Eak and fox couldn't describe him anything more then the 'perfect boyfriend' , Why? Fox has never found someone that was just as tough as him, and he thought he would never find someone as good as Chica. When fox was done getting ready he casually yet swiftly exited his house and went walking to school, he usually met up with Eak at the school gate so they could walk with each other to class since they both had the same 1st period together

Fox stopped thinking when he saw the gray haired jock waiting at the school gate as usual, fox speeded up the walking a little until he finally reached his destination to his boyfriend, "took you long enough" Eak said playfully punching fox's shoulder, fox smiled at that, this was his freaking king!

"Come on admit it, you would've waited here as long as I took" fox grinned making ears face light up

"Shut up, dork, let's get to class" Eak laughed

Fox nodded and they entered the building

Too bad they didn't sit next to each other tho, fox kissed rams Cheek

"Seeya after class" fox winked at him, Eak crossed his arms in annoyance "I don't wanna be here" he complained, "just sit tight" fox said walking a bit further down to his seat

After class

"I still can't believe Mrs.ass yelled at you for answering her question" Eak scoffed looking back at the class "it's fine she's just a evil witch" fox replied laughing, they passed by Abby and Fred who seemed to be sharing 'OTPS' with each other

"What a cute couple" Abby complimented them

Before either of them could thank the fire haired female a voice cut them off

"Cute? More like newbs"

Eak snapped his head around to see...what a surprise

Oxy and onnie

"Oh look who it is, the two bullies of the school" Eak said rolling his eyes

"Oh look the two faggots" oxy scoffed, getting closer to wake face

"Ha! At least I don't look like one" Eak sneered

Oxys face filled with red but anger took control

"Alright bozzo! If you think your so tough then how bout we take this to the cafeteria!" Onnie interfered, grabbing Eak by the collar who didn't look amused

"Your just askin to be in the hospital aren't cha?" Eak chuckled

"Alright the...if your so confident about it then we should go NOW"


Onnie nodded with a grin smeared on his face, however Eak agreed "Alright, prepare to eat the dirt!" He said in laughter

Oxy and onnie walked off into the cafeteria, when Eak was about to follow his lover pulled him back "Eak! I'm not so sure about this! Do you have any idea who you were just dealing with?" Fox said his voice a little shaky

"Yes I was dealing with two dick heads of the school" Eak responded

"I know that but they are 10 times stronger then you" fox argued

"That's why I have a plan" Eak said in a reassuring tone

"Your gonna cheat?" Fox asked in a bit shock

"It's not cheating if there are no rules"

Fox and Eak entered the cafeteria where everyone was gathered around leaving a huge space, they also spotted oxy and onnie who were waiting patiently but immediately got up when they saw Eak and fox enter

"Oh, it turns out you weren't gonna chicken out" oxy said adjusting his sleeves

"Get ready to eat defeat, moron" fox said standing beside Eak who threw both onnie and oxy a glare

The crowd of people cheered on some cheered for Eak and fox, others cheered for oxy and onnie

Oxy threw Eak a kick but was surprised because Eak had caught oxys leg and then threw him to the side

It wasn't long before all 4 boys were on the floor wrestling each other

"Alright what going on here!" The principal yelled pushing everyone out of the way and gasped when he was the 4 boys fighting "all of you! My office now!" The principal scream making everyone jump

And Eak and fox couldn't do anything but obay the principal, they both looked over to expect oxy and onnie giving them the death glare and what do ya know? They were!

"All of you stay here while I go write down refirls" the principal said slamming the door behind him one he was gone onnie decided to say something

"This is all your fault" Onnie scoffed making Eak lean back in offense "our fault?! You wanted to fight us!" Eak argued stomping his foot "whatever just keep in mind that this isn't over" oxy chuckled
Eak whipped his head "oh really because I'm pretty sure I had you eating the dirt just like I planned" Eak said with a teasing smile on his face, "you were all eating the dirt" a stern and female-like voice said, everyone turned to see a certain pink haired female standing at the door

"Maggie!" Oxy and onnie said in delight

"Not just Maggie," another female voice said and in entered a with haired female

"Meg?! What are you both doing here?" Fox said in shock

"We're here to get you out of detention" Maggie said

"What are y'all waiting for? Let's go" meg said

They all exited the school and Eak grabbed fox's shoulder

"Ya know' mabey we got into a fight...but at least we have awesome friends" Eak smiled


:) Hello my peeps and homies!

I hope you enjoyed this story and be sure to follow the one who requested it and you know the drill






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