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Yandere simulator reference...

Requested by : Septicplierforever


Today's Friday! I'm so excited to go home! I'm not really a fan of school the only reason I don't complain is because of my group...they're the only ones who keep me sane....everyone in my group in nice...but freddy is kinda sassy and mean...he always calls me 'Baka and big dummy' and I can't understand why...I really like Freddy but I don't think he feels the same way...well I guess I better get going sense I'm already half way to class.

~Nobody's pov~
Bonnie was playing his guitar when Freddy approached him "You must really like that guitar..." Freddy said raising and eyebrow, Bonnie nodded and continued playing "So how did you get so attached to it?" Freddy asked tilting his head to the side "it just soothes me...........wanna try it?" Bonnie asks handing the guitar to freddy "R-Really? You really let n-me use it?" Freddy said a bit dazed, Freddy thing shook his head "Uh...N-No I don't want it....! I don't even need a guitar! Baka!" Freddy said crossing his arms "ok then" Bonnie said as he continued to play.

Few hours later

Bonnie grabbed his guitar and walk out of the class room to his locker, he opened his locker to put his books away when a weird red piece of paper dropped out of his locker, he picked up the paper and examined it when he realized there was something written on it...

It said:

Meet me at the cherry tree at 4:00

Bonnie check his watch and gave it a 'oh shit' face cause it was 4:06
Bonnie hurried over to the location the note said to be at, he finally arrived panting from all that energy he had used he opened his eyes and saw a pare of feet, he looked up to be shocked on who it was it was Freddy "Freddy?" Bonnie asked confused "you-had me waiting..." Freddy said blushing before Bonnie could say anything freddy handed him a pink envelope shaped as a heart "listen up okay! Because I haves somthing really important to say........." Freddy said "what is it?" Bonnie asked confused, "I......I always appreciated you being there...even if I didn't want you to....and I slowly realized that...I liked you more then a friend...OKAY!...what I'm saying is.......I...I love you!...iloveyoumorethenanythingelseintheword!" Freddy spoke so quickly Bonnie didn't make out what he was saying but he did hear this 'I love you' "Freddy.....I feel the same way about you!" Bonnie said happily
Freddy began to cry
"I don't know why I'm just so happy...are you being honest?" Freddy asked with tears still leaking from his eyes "why wouldn't I be?! I've felt the same way about you for so long!" Bonnie explained smiling "please never leave me...." Freddy requested as him and Bonnie held hands "do you wanna go to ur house?" Bonnie asked and Freddy nodded
Bonnie put his arm around Freddy as they walked off and kissed while at it

Im really sorry if this was too short! I'm at my moms work and my wifi is pretty poor so I was only able to write so much but I do wanna say something....
I love you all!

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