Blackout in Paris

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With his long stride, Dick skipped the first couple steps up towards the Metro entrance

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With his long stride, Dick skipped the first couple steps up towards the Metro entrance. Edith Sink had moved fast, but he slowed his pace at the sight of her willowy figure on the street level. As he emerged into the damp December air, she turned her back to him. 

"Lieutenant Sink, I had no idea you were in France-"

"I arrived about a week ago," she cut him off, pinning the glove buttons on the underside of her wrists. "I have been quite busy getting settled in over at Mourmelon."

Dick situated his cap. "You are at Mourmelon? Where are you being quart-"

"With a family in the village."

Dick wet his lips, unsure of how to continue the conversation. He scanned the empty streets steeped in night with the mandatory black out. The gate behind them clanged shut as a Metro attendant locked up for the evening.

Edith glanced over at him. "Enjoy your weekend, captain."

She strode out into the night as though she owned the city with her oxfords clicking against the cobblestones. Dick's brow furrowed. His old fashioned, Lancaster county upbringing couldn't let her walk home alone, even if she was capable of doing so. With a sigh, he jogged up to her as she marched onward.

"Lieutenant, where are you staying here in Paris?" he asked, pulling abreast of her.

"A little farther in the city."

"A long ways off?"

"Not too bad." She tucked her clutch tighter beneath her arm. "I can handle myself quite efficiently, thank you."

"I'm sure you can, but I can't help feel that your father would appreciate if you had an escort-"

"My father isn't here. I am a fully grown adult. You needn't trouble yourself."

"I was only going to say with the black out in a strange city, things might not be as easy-"

"I have a map and a book of French phrases with me. I'm sure I'll be fine."

"Still, I am concerned-"



Dick halted as his voice rose uncharacteristically in volume. He was tired of being cut off mid-sentence. He took a deep breath to quell the unfamiliar swell of frustration in his chest. She stared at him in the feeble moonlight, her eyes wide with astonishment at his tone.

"Lieutenant Sink, I hardly know where I am. It may benefit us both if we try to make it back to our separate hotels together," he reasoned evenly. "And to be honest, I wouldn't mind the company."

Edith hesitated, her stance relaxing. She narrowed her eyes at the street sign hanging over them. "I suppose it can't hurt. Two heads are better than one. I was thinking if we headed towards the Seine, it might lead us to the heart of the city."

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