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The dank weight of the day hung on Dick Winters. Though part of him had been relieved at being told he wasn't needed with the 13th, the rejection bore into him like a cancer. Their commanding officer had been complimentary and honest. It had nothing to do with his ability as a soldier or a leader. 

Dick was still in heavy inner debate over his future. His discussion with Colonel Sink about remaining with the Army was always in the back of his mind. He wondered if there might be something else for him back home, the life of peace he had longed for on D-Day.

Then there was Edith Winters to consider.

Dick's jaw clenched as he shut the door to his office. Sink. She was Edith Sink.

Whatever her name, what had happened between them was irreversible. There was no use in trying to talk himself out of it anymore. The moment she had closed the distance between them and kissed him like she meant it, his fate had been sealed. Edith was entangled in the tightly woven cords of his heart and there would be no easy extraction.

As he walked the deeply shadowed street, Sergeant Quincey exited the building where she and Edith worked. The light in their work space still burned overhead. The blood hummed in his ears as he swung into the doorway that Samantha had just exited. He skipped the last two steps leading up to her floor. Dick had to check his pace and make the conscious effort to knock politely when all he wanted to do was burst through the door.

"Come in-"

She had barely gotten the words out before he was over the threshold. Edith's face flushed immediately where she stood in front of her desk, holding a few papers suspended in front of her. They floated from her fingers as he marched towards her.

"You're working late," he stated calmly as he took in his arms and kissed her soundly.

"And you're surprised by this?" she grinned breathlessly, twisting her arms around his neck.

Taking her mouth once again, Dick gripped her by the hips and sat her up on the desk. The action had been purely instinctive. One hand on her waist, Edith's hair tangled in his fingers as he coaxed her mouth open. Edith pressed back against him, nearly making him leave his senses completely.

She broke the kiss with a gasp.

"Wait a moment." She pushed him away. "Wait, wait. We need to talk. This is important."

"Okay. Yes. Let's talk," Dick replied, but was distracted by her open lips, berry red from the abuse they had taken.

He leaned forward and laid another heavy kiss on her.

"Wait!" She shoved him back. "You! Get over there!"

He almost laughed at her fervent tone, her eyes widening as she pointed to Samantha's desk. Clearly, the woman was serious. And more over, she was right. This was ridiculous. They needed to talk this through sensibly. 

Fighting every natural impulse to take her right there on her desk, Dick managed a few weighty steps backwards. He almost collapsed against the opposite desk. Wiping his mouth, he ripped his gaze to the darkened windows.

"What are you thinking?" he finally asked.

"When are you leaving with the 13th?"

"I'm not."

She got to her feet. Her face relaxed as a wave of relief passed over her. It was heartening to see it had mattered to her.

"When are you leaving?" he inquired, his eyes dropping to his boots.

"In a couple weeks at the latest. And they still don't have a date for when the 101st will be deployed to the Pacific?"

"Nothing yet."

"What do we do? You could be over there for years. And what are we to each other anyway? What am I to you?"

Dick was taken aback by the vulnerability in her tone, her expression more hopeful than he had ever seen. He wasn't confused anymore about where she stood. Edith was no longer a force with which to be reckoned. At least not with him. 

Unable to stay away any longer, he crossed the floor and cradled her face in his hands. Running a thumb across her cheek, he pressed his lips to her forehead.

"I'm yours, if you'll have me," he breathed.

Edith let out a soft laugh, her fingers curling around his wrists. "And I'm yours. I think I always was."

Dick inhaled deeply through his nose, burying his fingers in the soft waves of loose golden hair around her face.

"You will come home to me? When this is all over?"

"I'll always come home to you." Dick brushed his mouth over hers. 

An Expensive Solitude: A Band of Brothers FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now