The Possible Future

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"Come in."

Edith pushed open the door to Dick's quarters. His orderly at HQ had informed her that Major Winters had returned to his room for lunch. Without thinking twice, she found his quarters in the grand corridors of where they were being billeted. Standing in the shadowed sitting room, Edith wondered if it would have been wiser to wait till after his lunch hour.

The bedroom door had been left open a crack. The bed was neatly made though there was a bath towel draped across the mahogany frame. A pair of boots were tossed haphazardly beside the bureau, the laces loosened. Edith's gaze cut away from the bedroom door with the nagging feeling she had been caught spying on his private life.


There was movement beyond the open French doors. Dick moved into her line of sight where he sat by a short wicker table. Dick stood as she made her way out onto the balcony.

Her focus drawn to the grand panorama of the lake and mountains beyond. "Not too shabby of a view you have here, major."

"I found it somewhat lacking," Dick responded matter-of-factly.

As Edith glanced over, she was surprised to find a wry grin on his face.

"Sarcasm from Richard Winters?" She scoffed. "Wonders never cease."

Dick glanced down at the table, his smile fading. Edith tried not to think of his breath stirring her hair as they had danced by the Lake. Shuffling her feet, she held out the file.

"These are the last of the reports concerning the German arms dumps that you requested."

Dick opened the folder and Edith stepped towards the balcony railing. The pearly, aquamarine rollers below broke against the rock side of the former hotel. She had decided to tell him right away about her decision to leave the Army. However, with the sun on her face in the pleasant quietness of his presence, she was reluctant to break the news.

Edith glanced over her shoulder to find that he wasn't reading. He was watching her. Dick closed the folder.

"Everything appears to be in order. I knew you'd get that mess straightened out on paper." His tone was once again formal and disconnected.

"Glad I could be of service, major."

He set the folder down on the table and rested a hand on the back of the chair. Before the awkward break in the conversation could continue, Edith sped forward with her news.

"I had a meeting with Colonel Sink this morning."

Dick raised a brow in interest. "That's ironic."


"I did as well. Your father had some matters to discuss with me."

"What kind of matters?"

"Concerning the future. My future to be exact." Dick scanned the horizon. "About my staying in the Army and making a career of it."

"The Army would be lucky to have you. And that is ironic. I was discussing my future with the colonel as well."

"What are your plans?"

"Well." Edith exhaled heavily, her eyes drifting over him.

His shirt collar was loose and tie missing. The first few buttons were undone. Edith tried to remember a time when she had seen him more relaxed. Witnessing him in such a state did nothing to ease the tension in her stomach. He cocked his head to the side as he waited for an answer.

"I spoke to him about my returning to the States. He thinks it will be possible for me to take leave at the end of this month."

"That's wonderful news."

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