the lie

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"i will always love you."


"you can trust me. i would never hurt you. i promise, princess."


"she's just a friend, babe." she said laughing at me.

"okay." i said with tears running down my face, trying to believe her.

"i love you. you know i would never do that to you. especially because i know how it feels to be betrayed like that. i promise."
she smiled and kissed my cheek.
knowing she had to text her and reassure her that she had convinced me nothing was happening.

                     --were you able to sleep that night?


"what did i do?" she asked in such a concerned voice

which only fueled my anger

"you know what your problem is? you are beautiful and you have a such a bright smile and loving eyes and the prettiest laugh and you're just so fucking great and you know it. more than that you know how i feel about you and you keep playing me just because you know that you can, and i don't know if that makes me hate you or myself more."


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2020 ⏰

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