Chapter 16

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Day 16,

   I left David's office for a few minutes so that I could get a drink of water and calm down a little bit. I was walking down the unfamiliar hallways, looking for a vending machine or at least a drinking fountain.

   After about 30 minutes of exploring strange, poorly-lit hallways, I had finally came across a drinking fountain. There was a burning sensation in the back of my throat that grew stronger as I got closer to the fountain. It was small and looked like it hadn't been used in quite awhile. The handle was rusted as well as the pipes that connected it to the wall. The burning sensation was getting worse. I leaned down as I pressed the handle. Closing my eyes, I took a sip of the water.

   I was expecting the water to be cold but instead it was warm and thick. My eyes shot open and I gasped. Blood! There was blood coming out of the drinking fountain. I wiped my lips and chin and looked down at my hand. It was covered in blood.

   I stumbled backwards, accidentally breaking the rust covered handle off the fountain. The blood spilled out of the spout. I opened my mouth to scream, but no sound came out. The thick, red blood poured over the edge of the fountain and onto the tile floor. Blood continued to flow out of the spout until it had reached my feet. Unable to move, I stood there as the blood soaked my shoes.

   I felt something drip onto my cheek. I glanced up and collapsed onto the floor. Pinned to the ceiling was my grandmother's bloodied body and the words, "YOU'RE NEXT" scribbled in blood next to it.

   Her body was drenched in her own blood and she had what looked like claw marks carved into her neck as well as her arms. I stared at the gruesome scene until an overwhelming darkness washed over me. I was out cold.

   I slowly opened my eyes and grasped my head. It felt like it was going to explode. I cautiously sat up and glanced around the room.This wasn't my room... this isn't my house.

   I then started to remember all the things that had occured previously. The images flashed through my head. The blood, the message, my grandmother. What did it mean? Why was this happening?

   I felt a single tear roll down my cheek. Soon followed by several others. All of the emotions that had been building up inside of me were finally released. Anger, sadness and confusion. There was also another emotion that I hadn't experienced until now. Fear. I was afraid... but why?

   I was yanked from my thoughts as I heard a door open. I quickly laid back down on the couch that I had just recently discovered that I was laying on. I shut my eyes as I heard footsteps on the linoleum floor. I must not be in David's office anymore because his floor had carpet. Where was I?

   The footsteps became louder as the unidentified stranger inched closer. The sound of metal being scraped against the cold linoleum pierced through the air. He.. or she, must have been dragging the metal object. The sound stopped about 3 inches from where the small couch was placed and so did the footsteps. I slowly opened one of my eyes a little bit and glanced down at the floor. I could tell that this stranger was male, with his perfectly shined and polished shoes.

   The room was silent except for the sound of the unfamiliar man's heavy breathing. By the smell that radiated off of his clothing, I could tell that he smoked. I focused on his breathing, the only sound in the room. Every breath he took was uneven, like he had been crying. I felt one of his rough hands grab my hand. As much as I wanted to, I tried not to move or struggle. With his other hand, he touched the side of my head. A wave of pain coursed through my body as my head throbbed. I winced slightly, hoping that he wouldn't notice.

   I tried my hardest not to shiver when I felt his breath on my neck. He was leaning close to my ear. Then I heard him whisper something.

   "I am so sorry that I didn't believe you, Lea. I love you, we both do."

   I instantly recognized that voice as the man lightly kissed my forehead. This man was my father.

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