Chapter 5

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Day 5,

So many weird things have happened these past couple of days, it seems like it is just getting worse. Nothing strange has happened today, because usually things happen at night, so I decided to explore the house. While I was walking around the house, I noticed the attic stairs were folded down. My dad worked during the day and I didn't pull them down, so I figured it was just my mom storing the Christmas and Halloween decorations. I was getting kind of hungry, so I figured I would ask my mom to make me a grilled cheese. Mmmm, my favorite! Getting myself a little overly excited, I climbed the stairs up to the attic. I looked around but didn't see her anywhere. When I turned around, I saw someone sitting in an old rocking chair, just gazing out the small window towards the woods. Right when I was about to tap the figure on the shoulder, my mom called me down for lunch. If that isn't my mom... then who is it? I slowly took a step closer when the person started whispering.

"Come here child", the figure was an old lady. I took a few steps closer.

"Darlin', ya need to get outta this here house, bad things have happened here n' it's too darn dangerous for a little youngin' like yourself to be livin' here".

"What kind of things", I asked quietly, feeling my stomach do flips.

"Unmetionable things. So horrible, I can't even tell ya 'bout 'em. I don't wanna see ya get hurt. You needa stay outta the woods n' the basement, those are the most dangerous of 'em all", she spoke so quietly.

"Is there anywhere I could get some information so I know exactly what I'm up against?" I questioned.

"Yes, there are a few books written by the first owner of this house in the basement of the town library", she answered. As I was about to walk away, she gripped my wrist tightly. When I turned around, I was staring into a lifeless face with dark holes where the eyes should be. The old lady got closer to my face and slowly said, "Just 'member child, somethings are betta left unknown. Curiousity killed the cat, n' it just might kill ya too". She laughed a witch kind of cackle and then dissapeared, the chair immedietly stopping its rocking motion. I glanced out the window and thought to myself about why the woods were so dangerous, I figured I'd explore it after lunch and for the basement... I didn't even know we had a basement.

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