Who Are you

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I walked up to the door. I waited to see who voice I would hear at the door. I hear another knock but did not answer or look through the peep hole. I figured who ever it was would go way and think I was not here. The knocking stop for a moment and then I started to walk to my room. Thinking about the book I had from my grandfathers house. Once I got in my bed I got not only a knock at the door but a phone call at the same time. The call was from a number I did not know and so I made my way to the door again. I knew this time it had to be Chris. I make it to the door and look out to see it was my mother. I open the door. She then tell me not to lock it because she has someone coming in behind her. "Mom who is with you and why are you here so late." "First I don't like your tone, and as for why I am here..." Before she answers and man opens my door and slowly makes his way in. Turns out she had my uncle James with her. I hated when uncle James came around. All he wanted was money, Deron, and to be nosy about my dam life. Lil did uncle James know I knew why he never had a girlfriend for long. Nor did he ever go threw with a marriage proposal. My mom on the other hand saw James as a saint and one who I should look up to after my dead beat ass dad. "Lil play boi." "Hey uncle James." I said with a tone like why are you here. "Well dam don't sound too excited." "Oh trust I won't." Just as James was about to try and have a come back. My phone rings.

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