I Gotta Know

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The name is Fin. At least that's what the guys call me. Fin the Finisher, most call me Fin for short. I was born 1945. I joined the army in 1965. What can I say a young 20 year old. In the military and free from his parents. There was nothing more to do then live life. The life I wanted and no rules needed to hold me back. Traveling and drinking helped take the nightmares of the war away. Thing is it took only one night for me to have this problem. Part of me thinks it was the night I finally woke up from a dream. The other half felt I just open the door to hell. That night I can say I never felt more alive then I have ever. As I really started to get into the book. I placed it down and noticed the time. I could not believe it was after five already. I went to my kitchen made me some dinner. Then went back to my room. I checked my phone and saw Ray sent me pictures of her at another party. Then saw she left me a voicemail, I shook my head knowing this was gone be a crazy message. I played the message to hear loud music and her saying, "Donnie, Bestie! You need to come out, there.... there are some sexy ass trade niggas here." I hear a guy then say, "excuse me sexy." Then ray said, "ooop, Donnie boo get here now! Hey zaddy!" Then a click to end the message. I shake my head, then think nope not to night. I am not fin to play with her. I laugh then pick the book back up. I had to find out just what was this night that changed Fin. I get back to reading and read. This night really had me thinking what do I do now. How do I tell the guys or do I even tell them. I knew dam well I couldn't tell them. After that night I could not stop replying it in my head. I got the same chills every time I. Let me start from the beginning it was my first time in New York. I was so glad to be back in America at that moment I felt my phone ring. It was Deron, I sucked my teeth and thought what this nigga want. I picked up, "yeah!" "Bro, I need your help." "With what Deron." I said sounding irritated, there was a silence. I waited for an answer then said, "Hello!" There was not answer so I panicked and said, "Deron you there! Hello!"

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