Who Are You

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As I start to walk to my car from the bar. I get a phone call. I let my phone just ring feeling like I just don't want to talk to anyone. I bump in to a guy trying to put my phone on silent. "My bad man." "It's fine you, you ok, you look down." "I am good man, you have a good day." "Well you don't look ok, how about this let me buy you a drink." "Look man I don't know you and now is just not a good time." This guy was a good looking guy. He was dressed like he just came out of a business meeting or court. Shit now days you can never tell which is which. "Ok how about next time let me give you my number." I suck my teeth then say, " Look man I really got to go." As I turn to leave I just hear the guy say. "Well hope I see you around." I lift a hand a wave as I walk away. I make it to me car and get in and just sit. As I sit there I feel my anger grow more and more. Till then I feel my self just yell and hit and punch my steering wheel. After I feel like I let some of my anger out I pull my self together. Then head home, hours later I get a text from my mom saying when and where I am to leave for the cruise. I try to call Deron but there is no answer. I felt I had to let him know about pops before he get in town and try to pull him into shit. I start to pack and look over at my gramps book. As I start to read again I see a line saying.  By me writing this I can say I now know just who I am and who I can't be.

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