Who Are You

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As Chris sits there wondering just what is going on. I let go of my question. Knowing I was not gone get the truth. "Look I am just all tense cuz my mom came by today." "What did mamma shady  want on this sunny day." I look at ray with a face of really. "What?! Say what you want yo mama know how to throw the old school shade and make it look new." Chris laughed and then I explain to them just what my  momma and my uncle wanted. "All shit so where we going." " Ray I don't even want to go, nor do I know where I would go. Pulse she not gone pay for you let alone Chris." Ray sips her drink then smacks her lips. "Boy, that tell me you don't know how to play the game." Chris smiles and then looks at me as he sips his beer. "She right sleepy head. It's cute tho." I look at them both like you gone explain. Ray rolls her eyes and said, "Oh lord, hunny if they want you gone so bad you tell them you will go but only if you can bring two guest. Never tell them who the guest are just tell them you bringing them or you not going." "Ok but where we going is the question now." Chris then said, well we could go on a cruise." Ray jumped up with so much excitement. "Yass a gay cruise, but don't tell them it's gay just tell them it's a cruise." I get my phone out and text my mom all the details and agree to leave town. Soon after I get a phone call. I did not know the number so I did not pick up. The number called me again and again but I still did not answer. "Who is that blowing up your phone love."

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