Period Hacks + Tips

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Hey hey girl, we all have one thing in common, WE ALL HATE PERIODS!. They are actually the worst thing ever and ruin literally everything. Here are some of my tips:

- I'm not sure if these products are sold anywhere out of Australia, but I was recommended by a doctor to take Ponstan, its very helpful and makes my periods so much easier. I take one in the morning and one at night 3 days before I get my period and then if my period is bad, I take one in the morning, one in the middle of the day and one at night. Ponstan is a huge help to me since I get pain so bad I can't breathe or move so I definitely recommend. Another period painkiller that I find very useless is Napogesic, I take two at the start of my period and then 1 throughout my period maybe 3-4 times a day.

- Heat packs + Hot water bottles help heaps with your cramps and back aches.

- Eating dark chocolate, eating dark dark chocolate is actually pretty good for you. It contains magnesium which alleviate cramps and increases your energy, it also boosts your 'happy hormones' putting you in a better mood.

- Chamomile tea can relax your muscles and eases your cramps.

- Keep hydrated! it's very important.

- Keep a good sleeping schedule.

- Warm and hot baths soothe cramps and help with back aches

- Black clothes and bed sheets don't stain!

- As soon as you see blood on your underwear, wash it out with hand soap and cold water ASAP!, trust me babe, this ones a life saver, don't just through them out, try save em!

- If you have a busy day full of walking, have your pad further up.

-  When going to sleep (never wear a tampon while you sleep) have your pad further back.

- Eating less sugar will help with your moods.

Food that can be helpful during your period:

- Bananas

- Kale

- Broccoli 

- Dark chocolate

- Pineapples


Hey guys!

I'm so sorry that it's taken me so long to update, I've been really sick lately. I hope you can forgive me!

Anyways I hope that you guys have found some of these helpful.

-franklyu ;)

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