July 20, 2014

111 2 0

I saw heartbreakjack doing this, so I decided to do it too.


Well hi there. My name is Adamaris Garcia. I'm 16 years old, and becoming a junior in high school. My birthday is on May 8th. I dye my hair a lot (it just started out as highlights and then boom burgundy hair). I use to have braces for like 4 years or whatever but got them out sometime last year. Um, I have a boyfriend named Kevin. He's 18 years old and we've been going out for 3 months now. The last time I talked to him was on Sunday bc he's on some camping trip and he'll be back on the 21st.

My favorite colors are purple and cyan. Black is cool too. I hate yellow and orange and brown like those colors are gross. I listen to any kind of music, except for country and rap. (if you gave me a singer/band and I like them then you just made me obsessed). My music taste varies a lot.

I'm in the band and have been ever since 6th grade. I got into band when they showed the different instruments and my 5th grade self thought it was so cool. I've made some good friends in band. Fun fact, almost all of my exes were involved in band. My current boyfriend I meet in band. (surprising? no not really.) I like band. It's like one big family. And if you're in band and you haven't dated at least one person who is in band, then you will soon.

Anyways, I have a few close friends. My life so far sounds happy, but it's because I'm not at the sad part yet. I'll get to that in the next chapter.

I'm listening to some Spanish singer right now, so yeah.

This won't get uploaded on the 20th, but whatever. Enjoy my boring life.

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