July 22nd, 2014

7 1 0

My boyfriend came back from camp so I'm happy about that. I guess that the farther I wrote, it can get dark and sad as I write more about my life. Here I go.

My parents. What can I say about them? They argue a lot about the littlest things. My mom gets mad at me a lot even though I don't do anything. She likes to be a bit controlling of my life. Like for example, she wants to control where I go to college and wants me to do college like school, walk in and walk out. I personally don't like that idea because of my sisters. My dad is not like my mom. He's more.chill and stuff, I'm closer to him then I am with my mom. They both smoke, which upsets me because smoking is disgusting.

My sisters. Well, they're annoying. That's all I can really say about them. They like to pester me and insult me and mess with me just to piss me off and get me in trouble. Frankly, I don't want to do college at home, or do the whole walk in/walk out concept. It's not the best option for me.

Sometimes I feel like they wouldn't miss me if I left or died but whatever.

As long as I can remember, I was a happy child. That all changed once I got to middle school. I moved from North Carolina to Texas once I got promoted to the sixth grade. I knew nobody. Then I met one of my best friends named Agatha. We met in either math class or homeroom. I was upset when she went to be homeschooled. I had made some friends, but I don't consider them my best friends, just people who I talked to. I got my first ever boyfriend in sixth grade, he was my first kiss. Very awkward first kiss. I don't consider him my real first kiss. I'll get to that guy later.

I use to get made fun when I reached seventh grade I think. That guy made fun of me all the way until high school. He claimed that he was joking, but it was thanks to him, I got low self esteem. He made me feel unattractive. He even called me a thing!

I don't know why I had a crush on him when he called me names and made fun of me. When he wasn't making fun of me, he was actually really funny. I like funny guys so that's probably what made him cute. That was in tenth grade where I actually liked him because we actually started talking, and he comforted me one day because I was close to crying and we sat next to each other in English class. He gave me a cookie after I came back from crying.

Sorry I'm boring you guys with my life. I probably won't update this everyday because I'm starting to get busy and school hasn't started yet. Ew. There might be a second part to this entry because I need to talk about my exes.


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