July 24th, 2014 » part 2

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This entry is all about my exes because why not. I'm going to go in order and it will be long.

I. Alex

He was in band and played the same instrument as I did, the flute. He was a bit of a troublemaker in band class. Always getting called out by the band teacher and saying that he "doesn't give a shit about band". I don't remember exactly when we dated.  He asked if I liked anyone, and I said yes. Then I asked him the same question and he also responded with "yes, you know her". I started naming girls that I knew, but he kept saying no. He finally said, "it's you!" And I smiled because I liked him also and then boom, we're dating. The next day is when we had our very awkward first kiss after school.

We broke up a week later in band. His excuse was that he "needed to focus more on his school work". Me not knowing better just took that excuse, but as I matured, I knew that the excuse was bullshit because he didn't care about school. He switched schools once seventh grade started.

II. Chance

We dated during the summer between sixth and seventh grade. He called me squeakers because my voice was squeaky and when I got loud it would squeak I guess I don't know. Long story short, we kept in touch on Facebook, and broke up a week later also because he had feelings for another girl. It was his ex... We were still friends and we don't talk as much anymore.

III. Jesse

He asked me out during the seventh grade homecoming dance, and I didn't know what to say so I gave him a response on the following Monday. I said yes. We broke up three days later because he was annoyed on how many people kept asking if we were dating, so we broke it off. We were still friends. I honestly have a lot of shit to say about this fucker, but it will be so damn long, and it will just piss me off. He'll get his own entry.

IV. Daniel

After I took a break from dating, I started liking a guy name Daniel; he was a friend. Key word.. was. I started hanging out with him a lot more in my math class. He would always wait for me. So when he asked me out, I said yes. My friends weren't surprised. Anyways, he was my longest boyfriend back at the time. He would visit me everyday during the summer. I actually went a little bit farther with him. We did sexual things, not sex. I thought he was the one. We talked about having sex and getting married and shit, and I was so stupid back then thinking that all of that would actually happen. We went out for three months. Then high school happened.

Let's just say that our relationship started falling apart then. We got in a fight over text, then the next day at school, he completely ignores me. I was too scared to ask him why, so I asked my friends and his friends to talk to him on behalf of me. Obviously, it failed because he texted my friend saying that we were breaking up because I was "clingy" and "bitchy". That ruined me. I cried myself to sleep that night. Now, we're not even friends! He unfriended me on Facebook and now we don't even talk anymore. I didn't get closure. He was my first love, you never forget your first love. I'm really hope that I don't have any classes with him this year.

V. John

I know this sounds mean, but he was just a rebound for me. I didn't like him as much as he liked me. He asked me out a couple times and I always said that I wasn't ready. I went to the homecoming dance with him as friends just so he can get off my back. Didn't work. I broke up with him before we left for Thanksgiving break.

VI. Alexis

I swear this is the last ex. I'm not a whore I promise. We were friends since middle school, and we were also in band class. One day, he invited me over to his house; so after telling my parents a little lie, I went over. During this time, I was kinda depressed and he would help me with it. All we did over there was just talk and watch TV.

I received a text from my best friend talking about something that made me sad I don't remember. So Alexis asked if he could surprise me with something to make me happy. I didn't know what to say because it could'be been anything so I was hesitant. After a few minutes, I finally closed my eyes for my surprise. HE KISSED ME! His surprise was a kiss. I was happy because we both liked each other. So we started going out.

Unfortunately, he had to go to Mexico over the summer. We talked less and less and I felt our relationship slipping away. I thought that when he came back in August, we would rekindle what we lost and catch up. That didn't happen. He breaks up with me over text saying that I'm "a nice girl but let's face it we didn't have anything in common". Since then, we've only talked twice in the form of texting. Never in school. I want to be friends with him again, he was nice and gave good hugs.

So there you have it, my exes. This entry is already really long so I'm going to stop it here. Besides I have a therapy appointment to get ready for. Bye.

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