<Real Life>

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As Kathleen was trying to study for her up coming exam she hears her baby  Angelica start to cry.
Already knowing what she wants Kathleen goes into the kitchen and starts to heat up a bottle of milk.
As the milk was heating up Kathleen went into her daughters nursery to try and comfort Angelica a little until she can be feed.

 As the milk was heating up Kathleen went into her daughters nursery to try and comfort Angelica a little until she can be feed

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(Angelica's Nursery!)
Kathleen always put her child before herself much like everyone else in her life. As the microwave dinged she went to see if it was to hot so she tested it on the back of her hand.

"Alrighty it's warm and just right."said Kathleen as she was walking into her daughters room once again she grabbed Angelica and the bottle and sat down in the old antique rocking chair that belonged to her mother  in the corner of the room.

"said Kathleen as she was walking into her daughters room once again she grabbed Angelica and the bottle and sat down in the old antique rocking chair that belonged to her mother  in the corner of the room

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(Just pretend that it matches for me)As Kathleen was feeding Angelica she started singing a french lullaby

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(Just pretend that it matches for me)
As Kathleen was feeding Angelica she started singing a french lullaby. It was one of her favourite as a kid and always brought her comfort for some reason.
Frère Jacques, Frère Jacques,
Dormez-vous? Dormez-vous?
Sonnez les matines, sonnez les matines
Ding ding dong, ding ding dong.

As Kathleen was singing the song she starts to see Angelica dozing back off to sleep. Smiling to herself Kathleen got up and put the half eaten bottle on the dresser and went back over to Angelica's crib to put her back down.

Shortly later Kathleen went back to studying but she wasn't there she was thinking about a certain person who accidentally texted her.

Frère Jacques, Frère Jacques,
Dormez-vous? Dormez-vous?
Sonnez les matines, sonnez les matines
Ding ding dong, ding ding dong.
Meaning: Are you sleeping, are you sleeping?
Brother John, Brother John?
Morning bells are ringing, morning bells are ringing
Ding ding dong, ding ding dong.

Authors Note: I'm so sorry my lovely's but I have been very busy since school has just started back for me but I will have a new chapter but next week maybe Friday if I'm not that busy hope you guys enjoy!
-Love ya gurl!❤️

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