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Previously on Wrong Number:

adorable sit man!👔😍✨:
You live in New York correct?

Yes oh stalker of mine

adorable sit man!👔😍✨:
Hilarious anyways look behind you!

Kathleen was confused but did it anyways and as she looked the largest smiled appeared on her face and she said...

"Are those for me?!"
"Yes Ma'am. Wait you are Kathleen Margot correct?"
"Yes. Yes I am."
Kathleen said while blushing.
"Well if you can sign here."
"Alright. Thank you."
"No problem Miss Margot."

Kathleen could not believe it why would he send her something like this?
Does he like her like the way she likes him?
Is he trying to impress her because if he is it's working.

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