~ Fifth-teen~

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Real life
(Kathleen's outfit for the day and home)

Real life(Kathleen's outfit for the day and home)

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As Kathleen walked into her house absolutely exhausted from school and work the only thing she could think about was her precious Angelica

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As Kathleen walked into her house absolutely exhausted from school and work the only thing she could think about was her precious Angelica.
Just thinking about her daughter put a smile on Kathleen's face. As she walked further into her home she she's Daisy Grace one of her best friends and a person she is proud to called family,
You see Daisy has always had a rough life.
Kathleen has always looked after her like a little sister and family is a big part of Kathleen's life. So when they found out that Daisy's parents owed money to a drug lord and the only way to pay up was to be owned by said drug lord until the money was payed up. Kathleen made it her responsibility to help her pay the money.
And than she had Angelica so she had to drop one of her jobs.
No one else knows of course the rest of the group wouldn't mind to help but the less people to know the more that they are safe. Daisy wants Kathleen to stop helping her after Angelica was born but Kathleen did not take no for a answer.
So now every now and than Daisy will crash at Kathleen's place and in return Daisy cooks, cleans, and watches Angelica.
As Kathleen went into her daughters room she looked into her daughters
crib to see her smiling up at her

As Kathleen went into her daughters room she looked into her daughters crib to see her smiling up at her

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Kathleen took Angelica out of her crib and bathed her.

Kathleen took Angelica out of her crib and bathed her

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Kathleen than dressed Angelica so she can go out for a walk

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Kathleen than dressed Angelica so she can go out for a walk. It was fall in New York at the moment but Kathleen didn't mind she always liked the fall weather it was nether hot or cold it was both and plus she liked pumpkin flavoured EVERYTHING!

 It was fall in New York at the moment but Kathleen didn't mind she always liked the fall weather it was nether hot or cold it was both and plus she liked pumpkin flavoured EVERYTHING!

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As Kathleen was walking with Angelica she couldn't help but think about all that's happened within the last years. With it being the last year of hear internship, her parents dying and and now meeting Elijah.
Ah yes the moral man who wears a suit who also has stolen her heart but she will never admit it not after what happened with Angelica's father.
It broke Kathleen in a way that not even her friends could help with but talking with Elijah makes her feel everything she felt with Ethan and more.
Her and Ethan Smith meet in sophomore year of high school and instantly hit it off it you could say it was love at first sight. They had an amazing love until a year ago when he died of a heart attack.
She was devastated and a week later she found out that she was pregnant.
Kathleen was already in med school so she knew what had happened but she never thought that is would happen to him. Ethan was so fit and heathy he was a freaking vegan for god sa..
Kathleen looked down at her phone and saw a text message from her Elijah.
'Her Elijah!?' she thought 'really?! What is wrong with you?!'

adorable sit man!👔😍✨:
You live in New York correct?

Yes oh stalker of mine

adorable sit man!👔😍✨:
Hilarious anyways look behind you!

Kathleen was confused but did it anyways and as she looked the largest smiled appeared on her face and she said...

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