Chapter 11 -Mission S4

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(Quick disclaimer, The S4 and Company do not belong to me. They belong to Corocoro Manga) Yay new chapter! Sorry it took so long but I hope you all enjoy!

Setting or background

Ayber: *grumbles in sleep before shifting to the left side of the cot*

Valary: *sits infront of an old computer screen and tries to find a map of their next mission* Hmmm..

Rysher: *lays stretched out on the couch sound asleep*

Ayber: *face contorts into a frown before jolting from his Nightmare, eyes wild and frighted then takes a few deep breaths as he tries to steady his shaking hands* ...

Valary: *covers a yawn and downloads the map to her wrist computer then pulls it up as a hologram* mmm so if we plant the bomb here.. corner the leader there..

Rysher: *tries to roll over in sleep only to face plant on the floor* AH-!!

Ayber: *groans tiredly and gets up, rubbing his sleep filled eyes before picking up the blanket on the top bunk then wraps it around his shoulders sleepily* mmm..

Valary: *laughs hearing the thud from Rysher falling* Your awake now I take it Rysher?

Rysher: *grumbles angrily and lifts self up into a sitting position, blinking sleep from his eyes* Your survey on my current state would be correct Valary...

Ayber: *hears Valary laughing and walks down the hall then leans on the door frame* Wow I've never heard such a intelligent sentence leave your mouth Rysher..

Valary: *whips around facing Ayber, eyes wide and startled* When did you get there!?

Rysher: *sends Ayber a murderous look before standing up while yawning* ~

Ayber: *blinks slowly before looking at Valary, eyes having regained all of there yellow color as they shifts to orange* About a minute. Why?

Valary: *shivers lightly and turns off her wrist computer* I've been planning for our next mission.

Rysher: *sleepily walks over to the kitchen and turns on the coffee pot before getting the toaster down*

Ayber: *eyes her suspiciously before gripping her right arm firmly and turns on her Wrist Computer narrowing his eyes at her when it pulls up another mission plan to free DJ Octavio* Valary. You know our rules.

Valary: *hisses at him and tries to rip her arm free only for Ayber to hold it tighter* Our "work ethics" are very different and you know that!

Rysher: *is now standing in the kitchen door way sipping on his cup of coffee* ...

Ayber: *hisses back at her eyes having turned bright red* The final answer is no Valary. And unless you want to go threw intensive training again I would advise you stop theses "missions" of yours.

Valary: *hissing stops and cringes away having completely frozen in fear*

Rysher: *grips his coffee cup tightly almost shattering it then grabs the kitchen knife inside the door before throwing it at Ayber's Blind eye* !!

Ayber: *hisses and grabs the knife just before it enters his eye then turns and glares at Rysher* You both know what Octavio did to Inklings and Octolings alike, if he was let free he would only do the same thing again! And unlike you two, I don't want that happening again.

Valary: *eyes dilate then snaps back to reality before trying to yank arm away again* -!!

Ayber: *narrows eyes at her and let's her go before throwing the knife back at Rysher, hitting the door frame, inches from his ear* Get ready.. We leave at 12:55pm.

Rysher: *recoils as the knife digs it's self into the wood before turning and hissing at Ayber*

Valary: *hurriedly backs away from Ayber and to her Barrack*

Ayber: *growls back at Rysher warningly before heading to the armory to sharpen the new Ancient Sword* Start getting ready you two. It's already 12:45pm.

     ~Timeskip because Lucas is sleepy~

Ayber: *growls softly as he sits on the bridge in Blue Fin Depot with both his Ancient Sniper and Roller, watching the Inklings enjoy there Turf Wars* You two get ready. It's almost time.

Rysher: *hisses in sick delight as he watches a Inkling with a gas mask and Carbon Roller Deco throw seekers at the other team splatting all of them* I call the Carbon Roller..!

Valary: *narrows eyes at the E-liter user with a Skull Bandana as he snipes the Carbon Roller* mmm I'll get the Sniper.

Ayber: *raises an eyebrow at Valary* I thought you hated fighting snipers Valary?

Rysher: *laughs as the Carbon respawns and splats two more squids* I'm starting to like this Carbon Roller!

Valary: *doesnt turn to look at him* This one is different..

Ayber: *narrows crimson eyes at her before shrugging* Get ready to jump to your respective Targets. And remember, you get wounded it's on you.

Rysher: *smiles widely before laughing insanely and jumps to the Inkling he has dubbed Masked Carbon* Hello~!

Valary: *huffs and jumps a few feet behind the E-liter dodging his shot swiftly as she lands* That's rude, trying to Jump killing a girl.

Ayber: *lands in between a N-Zap 85 user with forge squid beret and a .52 Gal user with a Aloha shirt* Alright. Let's get this over with.

Mask: *tilts head to the side in confusion* Wwwwhheeerrreee did you come from?? There aaarrreee no squid beckons over here!

Rysher: *grins insanely before turning his Octo brush back into a short sword and lungs at the Inkling* No rules stop me here!

Skull: *frowns behind his bandana before aiming at her again* ...

Valary: *rolles her eyes and presses her Blaster to his forehead* Think smart hot shot.

Army: *makes a confused face before eyes widen and ducks as the strange Octoling swing a long sword at his head* Hey!!

Aloha: *stumbles back as the blade just clips the rim of his hat eyes wide and startled* That's cheating!!

Ayber: *narrows eyes at them before switching his sword back to a Dynamo and swipes at them both, sending them into the wall then pins them both there with his Long sword* There are no rules in war, Squids.. War is a cruel place..

Yay cliffhanger! Okay so before this chapter ends, work is picking up again so these chapter might take longer to publish. I ask that you please bare with me. Now enough of my rambling and enjoy your next book.

Good luck and best wishes


1065 words.

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