Chapter 5

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Last Day of Coachella

Mckenzie's P.O.V:

My alarm is the same as all the other days, annoying. I'm surprised I haven't changed it yet. Well I have to get ready. I do my makeup, my hair, my perfume, and everything else. I walk into my room and get my clothes. The last outfit I have planned is some army looking joggers with a black bathing suit but different this time. I have my hair curled again and a tie-dye headband thing around my neck.
Rosa and I meet up at coachella again. But when I see her she's with some girl. I don't know her name or anything but she looks really nice.

"Hey Rosa! Who's this?" I say confused.

"Hi, this is just someone I met earlier while I was waiting for you." Rosa says looking at me smiling.

I don't know who she is but I already like her. I take a picture with her instead of Rosa today to change things up.

*skip to sunsetting*

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*skip to sunsetting*

     The sun setting it my favorite thing to watch at night when I get the chance. And tonight it's beautiful. Way prettier then anything i've ever seen.

"Hey" a deep voice says and catches me off guard.

"Hey?" I turn around seeing it's Grayson. Grayson fricking Dolan.

"I just wanted to say that the other day you came up to me, I couldn't stop thinking about you and what your name is." he says looking at his hands.

"Oh, my name is M-Mckenzie. Mckenzie Faith." I say stuttering.

"I'm G-"

"I know" I say cutting him off.

He smiles. While looking in my eyes. His eyes are a dark hazel but they're so calming to me.

"Wanna go walk around?" He says with a questioning face but happy at the same time.

"sure" I say putting my hand out hoping he will grab it. and he does. His hand are so warm and soft. What am I thinking. Nothing's gonna happen.


Grayson's P.O.V:

It's been a couple of hours, and I can't stop looking at her and admiring her beauty. I don't know what's gotten into me. I can't do this.
It's time to go already. It's only been 45 minutes that I got to hangout with her but i'm just glad I know who she is now. We exchange numbers and she leaves. Idk what it is but she's gotten to me.


I took a shower and now i'm in bed. Ethan hasn't come home yet he stayed a little later then me. I go to my phone and put her number in my phone and i'm thinking, should I text her? No I can't.
I turn my phone off and close my eyes. Thinking of her. Why.

*ding ding*

My phone dings and catches me off guard. I open it and see, it's her. She texted me. My heart starts beating out of my chest.

Mckenzie: Hey it's Mckenzie. Just wanted to say I had fun with you tonight and I hope i can see you again. :)

Oh my gosh. She actually wants to see me again. I can't even breathe right now. She's amazing. Shoot I need to respond.

Me: I had an amazing time as well. You're wonderful company. Hope to see you soon! Good night.

Mckenzie: Goodnight<3

She sent a heart. I don't know what to do. I can't think about it too much. It doesn't mean anything. I better sleep now.

This chapter is trash. I couldn't think of anything good to write in this chapter so i'm gonna leave it here. Vote and comment. See ya tomorrow :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2018 ⏰

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