July 20th, 2018
It is 7:59 am and I am feeling anxious as fuck. Like wow, why am I feeling anxiety when there's nothing to be anxious about. I don't feel as fucking angry and sad and hateful and guilt-ridden as usual nor do I feel empty so I feel okay for once. So it's gr8.
It is 6:39 pm and I am very close to planning a quick cut and dye of my hair and not telling my parents about it. They'll probs say no if I tell them so I'm not going to. I will have the dopest hair. I will look so damn good. However, I don't know which color to go with. Should I go with blue or yellow?
Maybe even lavender or white hair?
Pls help me decide. I don't know what to choooose ahhhhhhhh. I'll probably do it before school. I'll keep you updated literally. Lol.
Surprisingly Happily Yours,
James :)