Chapter 4

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I gasped as I fell backwards and hit the ground hard on my ass. "Owwwwww" I moaned. I still hadn't looked up to see who I ran into I grabbed my phone and saw it was cracked from top to bottom. I groaned and tried to stand up but the person I ran into grabbed my elbow and helped me up. I paused my music and pulled my headphones out and shoved them into my pocket. I put my phone in my back pocket and finally looked up. I gasped and suppressed a squeal and a scream as I was staring up at Tony Perry from Pierce The Veil. I looked around and saw Mike,Jaime and Vic standing at the check in counter. I looked at Tony again and saw him looking at me. "You okay?" He asked me. "Y-y-yes" he chuckled. "I love your band I just" I started to panic I was sounding like an idiot. He chuckled again. "Your the first fan I've met that hasn't flipped out on me or shoved yourself at me" I laughed nervously. "Would you mind though. If I got a picture with you and everyone else separately and then all together?" He laughed. "Sure. Let me get the other guys" he chuckled again and walked away over to the rest of the band. I turned around so they couldn't see me and I squealed. I turned around again just in time to see the rest of the band walking with Tony over to me. I saw dad walk out of the hallway I had walked down. He saw me and came over to me. "I thought you said you were going to the room" he said laughing as he saw Pierce The Veil. I smiled. "I lied I just wanted to leave so I could walk around. But uhm. Will you take pictures for me?" He nodded and I handed him my phone. He took our separate pictures then the one of us all together. I awkwardly told Tony I loved his ears and they walked away laughing. Me and dad walked back to the room and I was talking his ear off about ptv. He just listened intently not interrupting me. I was talking about a lot of bands and I was fangirling over everything. He just laughed and opened the door to our room. I decided to text Jerica finally since I hadn't in a while.

Me: hi c:

I locked my phone and set it down in the bedside table. I turned the t.v. in the hotel room on and sat in the bed. I settled on watching spongebob (shush I'm lame). Dad was in the bathroom taking a shower. I dozed off a little while later.

I woke up in a cold sweat. I jerked myself into a sitting position and wrapped my arms around my knees. I sat like that crying from this nights nightmare. I had nightmares a lot. I checked my phone and saw it was 6 in the morning. I sighed and got out of the bed. I decided on taking a shower. I brought my book bag into the bathroom and stripped out of my clothes. I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my body. I turned the water on and started playing music from my phone. I made sure the water was hot enough and took the towel off. I stepped into the shower and took a 15 minute shower to calm my nerves. I stepped out and wrapped the towel around me. I grabbed another towel and flipped my hair doing the same to it. I dried my body off and dressed myself in a light gray All Time Low shirt, light gray jeans and light gray vans. I dried my hair and brushed it. I flipped my hair over my head and put my hair into a high tight pony tail. I grabbed my makeup and sat on the bathroom floor infront of the body length mirror on the back of the door. I grabbed my eyeliner and applied it thickly making wings. Next I grabbed my mascara and brushed it onto my eyelashes thickly too. I grabbed my pencil eyeliner and put it on my bottom eyelids. I looked in the mirror and liked my face today. I grabbed my phone humming along to congratulations by Sleeping With Sirens and took a picture. I smiled at the picture and stood up plugging my phone back into my charger. I grabbed my tooth brush and brushed my teeth. I packed all my stuff back up and made sure I had everything before opening the door and walking back into the bedroom. I saw dad sitting on the bed watching t.v. dressed in new clothes. I smiled and sat down next to him pausing my music. He turned the t.v. off and grabbed his bag. "You ready shorty?" "Wat" I said not understanding why he called me shorty. He laughed and we walked into the hallway. "Its just. Your shorter than Patrick now so you deserve to be called shorty now" I groaned and shifted my bag up onto my shoulder. "Why can't you just keep calling him that" "why would I? Your the shortest now" he laughed again. "Well I get made fun of for being short so I'd rather you not call me shorty" I yelled. His smile faded and we walked into the lobby in silence.

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