23: Secret Letters

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After the funeral, Jacob found his sister already on the train, doing some reading. Greenie was nowhere to be found, as usual.

"Jacob, I've been meaning to ask you," Evie said as she sat with perfect posture on the couch, shutting her book with a loud slap in the process, "Is Elizabeth aware you are in love with her?"

Jacob couldn't help but roll his eyes. Placing up his jacket on the hanger, he inertly ignored his twin. He wasn't in the mood to talk to her. She was irritating him too much.

He began to exit the carriage without even looking at his sister when she said, "I asked you a question," she sung, "brother dearest."

"I heard you, sister dearest," Jacob responded after a moment, "I thought you were the intelligent one, Evie. How did you not realise I simply chose not to answer?"

She scoffed, "Like how you choose not to answer to your duties?"

Jacob had enough.

He spun around and said, "What do you want from me, Evie? Do you want me to stop being an Assassin? Do you think I'm unworthy for that title?" he neared her as she jumped from the couch, "Is that what you think?"

"You wish to know what I think, Jacob? What I truly think? Well, for starters, I think everything we did for London two years ago, you threw it all away," she huffed, "and you know who I have to blame for that other than you and myself? The Elizabeth girl. While you too busy playing mum and dad with her, London was falling into shambles!"

"Then perhaps you should have never left!"

Jacob continued, his lip shaking a slight bit, "Perhaps you should have stayed in London with your only family instead of running off to India with Greenie. You left me alone with no guidance. But that wasn't what hurt, because believe it or not, you were my best friend Evie, no matter how many times we got on each other's nerves."


"Elizabeth wasn't distracting me, she was keeping me from losing my mind. She is the only reason London isn't in flames or in the hands of Templars at this moment. She took care of me when no one else did. And I want her back, more than anything," Jacob said hotly, "which means I am not giving up my position of Master Assassin. For London and for Elizabeth, I will fix things, regardless if you are by side or not."

Jacob finished, and Evie was speechless as he stormed out of the cabin. Little did he know a small genuine smirk lifted on Evie's face after he left.

She couldn't help but think Jacob was still Jacob and it made her realize how much she missed him and loved her brother even if she wasn't too pleased with him at the moment.


Day-drinking wasn't something Will did often but for this occasion, he felt it was necessary.

He didn't want to believe there was a chance that Octavia woman was his mother. Even if it was, he wouldn't believe it because he didn't think Mum would do something like that. Cheat on Papa, betray Papa, kill Papa. It was fucking absurd.

It was true, Mum was absent most of their childhood but she was still a good mother, as Will could remember.

She tucked them into bed every night, kissed his forehead goodnight and was kind.

How could she do such a thing?

The answer was simple; she couldn't.

She couldn't – she simply couldn't.

Unexpectedly two fingers tapped on Will's left shoulder. He turned around and was faced with a blonde boy with blue eyes. He resembled himself a little.

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