Chapter 15

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Jason stared deep into Freddy's eyes and waited for him to respond. Jason had finally made his decision, and that he didn't want to be friends with any one anymore.

What would it bring? He would have to wait hand and foot for them, and he would have to share everything with them. He would have to defend them, when it seemed like a situation where it was more every man for himself. He was bend over backwards for them, and what did he get? Not even a thank you from a 6 year old and stubbornness from a crazy boy who even smashed a hamster with a hammer. Even if he didn't look deformed he would still be a freak since he was hanging out with these insane people.

"Y...You don't mean that..." Freddy said, his voice high pitch and sounding like he was going to cry. Jason almost smiled at the fact of someone who would always pretend to be stronger than him, crying.

They finally made me insane... Jason thought in his mind and even in his head it sounded so real. Did they? Or did he make himself insane?

"Why would I say something I don't mean?" Jason growled, but it still had the sound of woe mixed in. Jason and Freddy stared in the storm, neither of them knowing what to say or even if they should say anything at all. 

Freddy finally took a deep breath and said with his voice unsteady, "Why? Over something so little as a push"-Jason cut him off by saying, "A push?"

Jason stared into Freddy's eyes knowing he probably looked crazy. He said so quietly although so mean, "A push? It's simply not a push to me! It was more than a push to me! Maybe to everyone else in the world it was a push, but to me... it was a"-A flash of lightning cut off his sentence, and Jason didn't even bother finishing it. Freddy had gotten the point already.

Freddy stared at Jason and Jason stared at Freddy. Again, neither of them knew what or if they should talk. Freddy finally spun on his heels and quickly ran down the street.

Jason could hear faintly the sound of Freddy screaming, "I've always hated you!"

Jason stared into nothing, his arms were stiff and were hanging outward. His legs were opened slightly. He felt rage. He couldn't help but smile though and even crack a chuckle. He had just ruined his life and he was speechless. 

I just destroyed everything good I had in my life. Everything... He thought. 

He was too shocked of what he did to even move in the pouring rain, so he stood their getting soaked. 

He nodded to himself and said out loud into the cold, viscus air that almost felt as if it was choking him, "I am completely... and utterly... insane..."


Freddy felt anger as he walked furiously to his house which was close by. 

How could someone he had been friends with almost his whole life say something so extreme. And the look in Jason's eyes was pure... pure... evil.

Freddy wanted to scream into the air and cry at the same time. He felt rage and sadness fill and coat his whole body. 

He shivered and not because the raw and rainy air was chilling his body to the bones, but only because he was scared of what would unfold later. What would happen to him?

He finally admitted it...

He needed his friends.

They would defend them even when they were getting beaten down even worse, they would share with him, trading lunches. And Freddy finally noticed that he hadn't did anything in return. Yeah, he would defend hear and their, but other than that they were protecting him. He wasn't even a good friend! He would yell at them, he pushed one of his best friends into a rushing river, and he would always be so arrogant to them.

Freddy stopped as he was about to turn to walk up to his house.

 How could he say that about himself.

His friends would be completely useless without him, he was the one that would defend all the time. He was the strongest out of all of them! He could take them all down and they wouldn't even know what hit them!

I could hurt them so much... I could hurt them to the point where they wouldn't even realize what I had done! He thought as a smile crept onto his face. 

He then stopped quickly.

This was exactly what he was thinking when he wanted to get revenge on the group of children who were making fun of him. 

He exhaled and slowly descended to the ground. 

He rubbed his hands over the concrete sidewalk and his hand grazed it roughly. He cried out in a high pitch voice and then looked at his hand. It had his little pieces of thin skin flapping upward, revealing pink.

He ran his fingers threw his hair before the heard the creaking of his house's front door.

"Boy, get in here! You got a call from school! You and a few others didn't go to detention!" He heard his mother's screech against the howling wind. He slowly rose from the sidewalk and stared at her, not moving from where he was.

"No..." He said as he shook his head. "What do you mean no?" His mother asked with a voice that was full of sass. 

Freddy just shook his head, no, in response and started to walk away.

He was leaving this town, and he was going to the foster home. Hopefully he was going to be taken far, far away.


Michael stared to his parents, who stared back in sadness. 

"What do you mean?" Judith asked as if it wasn't even a big deal of what he had said. Michael stopped looking at his parents and looked straight to Judith.

She looked surprise by the sudden stare, but continued to look back. Michael sighed sadly and said, "You don't know why I hate you... and that's why I hate you..."

He didn't have to look at his parents to know that their jaws had hung open in shock.

Oh! He mimicked the voice of his mother and father in his head. Our son who glares at my daughter and ignores her, hates her! I would of never guessed!

Michael kept staring at Judith who didn't even look hurt by his words, which angered him even more. 

"Don't you even care?!" Michael shouted at her. She still had no emotion. His parents tried to ease his voice down, but he didn't listen and started to shriek, "JUDITH! JUDITH YOU DON'T CARE! JUDITH!? JUDITH YOU COULD CARELESS!"

He stopped and started to breath heavily. His parents were now by his side holding onto his shoulders. His sister was sitting upright and now looked concern.

"That's all I want..." Michael whispered as his head was down looking at his lap. "All I want..." He murmured again.

The silence in the room told him that the conversation was over.

Evil... Huh... Michael thought of the remark that Freddy had made.

Maybe he's right.

As Kids -A Horror Fanfiction- Watty Awards 2012Where stories live. Discover now