Chapter 14

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Jason turned down the sidewalk and he was walking down Freddy's and Michael's street.

He had rain hitting him, making him carry the weight of his drenched clothing. The thunder was roaring so loud, he almost couldn't even hear the wind that was whistling fiercely. 

It almost seemed, to Jason at least, that the rainstorm was his emotion. The thunder and lightning was anger and rage he had felt for Michael and how he wouldn't just accept the question of compassion from Freddy. The rain was the soft unhappiness that seemed to coat his soul and heart so well. And the wind was his thoughts. Some of the wind was gentle, and the gentle thoughts were what he had thought good of Michael, and how he should stop continuing this fight, although the loud gusts of wind were were powerful, out yelling the gentle thoughts telling them that Michael did no good, that Michael just had to carry forward and draw out the fight.

Jason sighed at the thought of Michael. Why did he have to start this fight over, making it worse and worse. He could of just left it and me, Freddy, and Michael could all be friends again. Why did Michael not want that? How could Michael want something so precious as a a friendship to break...? It doesn't make any sense!

Jason looked up and saw Freddy standing outside still, not in his house. Confused about why Freddy wouldn't be in a warm house on such a dim looking day, he started to walk faster towards Freddy.

"Freddy? Why are you outside? It's pouring!" Jason said as he wished he brought a towel or blanket to keep Freddy warm. He would probably have a cold by now if he had been standing outside ever since he got out of school.

Freddy inhaled and kept it in for a while, until exhaling slowly. "Jason..." He mumbled, not looking Jason in the air, just looking at the wet sidewalk.  Jason, still a little confused, squinted at Freddy, who was still not giving him any answers.

"Freddy, why are you outside?" Jason tried asking again. Freddy swiftly looked up at Jason. Jason noted that Freddy had looked fumed at the moment.

"Jason..., Michael is... pure evil..." Freddy murmured to Jason simply. Jason gasped at the remark that Freddy had made. Evil? How could a little 6 year old boy be... evilJason pondered for a moment until responding, "What do you mean?"

Freddy sighed again, nice and long like the first time, and said, "That boy is evil!" Jason was utterly confused as Freddy did not only not answer Jason's question, but just more fright in Jason.

"E-Evil...?" Jason said as if he didn't believe it, which right now, he wasn't even sure if he did. Freddy  looked passed Jason to Michael's house and whispered furiously, "That boy... wanted me... dead!" Freddy pointed to Michael's house and didn't lower his hand for a while.

Jason didn't know how to respond. Could he even be sure if Freddy was telling the truth? But why would Freddy lie about such a serious subject?

"A 6 year old...?" Jason finally said. "Wanted you dead?" Jason looked to Freddy, and now knew he didn't believe him. 

"You think I'm lying..." Freddy said as he smiled like a crazy person. "And I don't blame you... But I heard it..." Freddy looked around as if someone would be listening to their conversation. "He told me, he had wanted me dead..."


Freddy knew that what he was saying was way to hard to understand and that he knew that Jason wouldn't believe him. What else could he say though? Freddy had heard the voice of Michael telling him that he wanted Freddy dead.

Why though, why would a 6 year old want to kill Freddy?

Or maybe is wasn't just Freddy, maybe Michael had just hated everyone and wanted everyone to die... Or possibly Michael was just mad and the words had just slipped out. 

As Kids -A Horror Fanfiction- Watty Awards 2012Where stories live. Discover now