Part 1

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(Just to say, you are a Student, but you will be 18, just because I don't want things to seem weird! xD I also will give Reader a Quirk, but feel free to change it to what you want, I just struggle to write something without a Backing! Enjoy!)

There he was, standing in all his glory, towering over you as he'd just saved you from the criminal that had just held a blade to your throat. As he held out his hand for you to take before you passed out, it was none other than All Might, and damn, you regretted blacking out at that moment.

You awoke in a Hospital bed, staring down at your hands, making sense of what had happened previously, and whether it was just a dream or not, until somebody came and knocked you from your thoughts.

"Ah (F/N), you're awake!"

You just sat there with a blank expression, not saying a word.

"I guess you'll still be a little confused, considering you fell unconscious. You were lucky All Might was there to save you!"

You felt your cheeks become hot, it would be a lie if you were to say you didn't have a slight Crush on the Man, though you thought that was natural, most probably every woman had one on him.

"Once you're feeling better, we can discharge you, so just take it easy for now, (F/N)."

You simply nodded to the Nurse as she exited your room. You soon realised how the fact that you were starting U.A tomorrow had slipped your mind! How could you forget that?! Even though you had just blacked out, that was far too important to forget, you had to make sure you felt better so you could get some rest before the big day!


Later that day, after you had been discharged, you were sitting in your room, thinking about how All Might saved you. You couldn't believe you had been so close to him, and that he actually touched your hand. You couldn't escape the blush rising to your cheeks. You just thought to yourself,

'No no! All might does that every day, I shouldn't get so worked up over such a thing!'

After all of these stressful ordeals, you decided to go to bed, after all, your journey of beginning U.A was only a few hours away!


You left the house in the morning with anticipation, you couldn't wait to see what was in store for you at your new school, the kinds of friends you'd make, the teachers and what you would be learning.

You'd met a few lovely people with some interesting quirks. A girl named Uraraka stood out to you the most as she made so much effort to speak to you, you made sure to sit next to her as did she.

Speaking of Quirks, the kind you had was that you could dance while fighting, and you were able to seduce people so that they could submit to you. It works mainly on both genders, but is stronger with men. (As I said, change this if you like, but it ties in with a few things in the story! :P)

A very tired looking man came through the door, his name was Aizawa who went by the name, Eraserhead.

"Hello class, I will be your tutor for half of the week. Today is just getting used to your classmates and teachers. You can enter now!"

The students all looked confused, but that soon passed when you saw the person he was talking about, none other than All Might entered your classroom!

"I AM HERE! Coming through the door like a Hero!"

You couldn't help but giggle at his comment, but seriously, what was he doing here?

"Hello Students, I'm sure you know who I am, I will be teaching the classes from Aizawa's lessons!"

You were Gobsmacked and super excited, The All Might was teaching you! You knew it was the best idea to apply to U.A!

All Might glanced over to you, this made you blush and you averted your gaze, but when you looked back at him his eyes were on Aizawa as he spoke. You wondered if he recognised you from yesterday.

All Might then spoke up.

"So, Students, today you will all be paired up with either me or Aizawa, so we can test your strengths!"

You were excited, you hoped so badly you would get All Might!

Aizawa began reading out names and the he got to yours.

"(F/N), you will be with me."

You felt your heart sink a little, until something strange happened.

"I do apologize Aizawa, but I will take on that student, unless you have any objections."

Aizawa just stared at All Might, not really caring and slowly shook his head.

"No, no objections from me."

You were so confused, but so happy at the same time, though you wondered if it was something to do with what had happened yesterday. The fact that everyone's gaze was on you was a little intimidating too.

As you waited for your turn against All Might, Uraraka spoke up to you.

"Hey (F/N), you're so lucky, it looks like All Might is interested in your Quirk."

You just shrugged and told her about what had happened yesterday.

"All Might saved me yesterday from a Criminal, I'm guessing he wants to check up on me?"

Uraraka seemed like she understood a bit more.

"Maybe, but he also had a look of interest, let's see!"

She gave you a warm, supportive smile as you were called by none other than All Might himself.

"(F/N)! You're up next!)"

You stood up, trying not to look so nervous, even though your heart felt like it was trying to break out of your chest.

You walked silently to the training ground with All Might and when you got there, he finally spoke up to you.

"I suppose you are wondering why I asked to test your strengths, rather than letting Aizawa?"

You nodded in agreement.

"W-well yes, It did cross my mind, S-sensei!.."

He let out a typical All Might laugh.

"I'm sure! I just wanted to make sure you were okay from yesterday, I didn't realise I would be tutoring someone I saved just the day before my first Day as a teacher!"

You swallowed the lump in your throat, you had hoped he also might have asked you to go with him was because he was interested in you or your Quirk, you knew you had been silly to hope for such a thing, there are so many more people who have more interesting Quirks, why would he be interested in yours?

"That wasn't my only reasoning though (F/N), I have heard about the kind of Quirk you have, I also want you to understand how dangerous it can be."

You were confused, all you did was dance fight and seduce people to submit to you.

"I know it sounds strange, but think, a young girl like yourself uses their Quirk to make a murderous man be seduced by you, who knows what they will try and do to you. I want to train you outside of U.A, so that I know by the end of it, you will be able to control this Quirk properly."

He was right, you were able to make people submit to you, but you couldn't control it properly yet, and sometimes you would use your Quirk on Men and they wouldn't be able to control themselves. All Might was warning you about potential Rape situations, or Murderous situations where maybe the Villain would only be enhanced by your Quirk, which is why it was so important to control.

All Might held his hand out to you, which you gladly took.

"I will do my best to School you, (F/N)!"

All Might x Student! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now