Part 4

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You were walking home from the Academy and felt eyes on you. You brushed it off to all the stress that you had been under lately, but the feeling only became more intense.

You sped up the pace of your walking and felt the same from whatever you were feeling. Suddenly, someone grabbed your arm, dragging you back into an alleyway that they had been hiding in.

"Give me your bag!"

A masked man holding a weapon shouted to you.


You stuttered, fear holding every ounce of your breath.

"I will KILL you! Do as I say!"

You went to hand over your bag but then decided against it.

"I said NO!!"

You resisted, but the panic made you loose focus and your Quirk was useless! Maybe you should use your back up, but All Might said that might be dangerous. At this point you didn't have much time to think, so acting on pure adrenaline and panic, you tried it!

The man backed up which gave you a small amount of relief, only to be met with eyes filled with lustful, murderous intent. That look terrified you even more that the situation you were in before!

"Ah, maybe we can have a bit of fun before I do anything TOO hasty.."

You tried to run but he was so fast, he grabbed your arm and threw you into the the garbage cans. Your back connected with the metal and you fell to the floor, semi-conscious. Your awareness soon became clear when the masked man pulled off his mask to reveal pale, cracked lips, that tried to connect with yours. Your phone began ringing, it must have been All Might to talk about your plan for the morning, hopefully, you not answering would alert him that there was something wrong!

The man grabbed one of your legs and pushed it open, making it feel as if he'd just ripped one of your muscles.


You screamed.

"Oh ho, screaming makes it a lot more fun!.."

Tears began to fall from your eyes as you whispered and begged for All Might to come and save you.

The mans hand crept under your top and touched one of your breasts, making you shudder with disgust. His other hand crept down to your womanhood and you felt as if you were going to vomit.

You heard some form of running and panting. At the end of the Alleyway stood a very slim man with a baggy shirt, baggy khaki trousers, messy blonde hair and tired looking eyes.

"Let go of her!"

The strange man shouted. It wasn't who you were hoping for, but at least it was someone!

The masked man got up and cocked a smile at the thin man.

"Oh yeah? Wha- OOF!!"

Another hero who goes by the name, Endeavour, tackled the man to the ground, knocking him unconscious.

The slim man came to you, offering you a hand. You were so embarrassed by the lewd state you were currently in.

"W-Who are you?.."

"My name is Toshinori, I'm a... Friend, of All Might's!"

You quickly grabbed his hand after hearing All Might's name and began to adjust your clothes. You then began to sob.

"Where was All Might? Where is he? Why didn't he know something was wrong when I didn't answer his call?!"

Toshinori placed a hand on your shoulder which felt familiar, but you quickly brushed it off.

"I'm sorry (F/N), he sent me to check on you, I'm sure if he knew this situation, I know there would be no doubt he would have rushed to your side and dropped everything!"

You sniffed and composed yourself, giving a nod of understanding but also noting the look of sadness on the man's face.

"Thank you for helping me. I really do appreciate it."

Toshinori smiled.

"Would you like me to escort you home?"

You shook your head.

"I'm just around the corner. Thank you though."

He smiled and just replied with.

"Get home safe."

You then nodded and proceeded to walk away, still shaking from the event that had just taken place.

Toshinori grabbed his shirt, shaking with anger. He questioned why he was feeling this way. She's just like any one of his students, so why is he feeling so flustered all of a sudden?


You had arrived at home and locked yourself in your room for the rest of the evening. You began to nod off, exhausted from being so hyped up, when a tap on the window awoke you. It was All Might.

You felt sadness seeing his face but opened your window anyway.

"(F/N), can I come in?"

You nodded, taking a step back from the window as you held your right arm,

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry I wasn't there to help!"

You shook your head.

"You weren't to know.."

He replied hastily to what you had said,

"No! I should have, I should have been there to prevent what had happened today!"

He clenched his fists so hard that his knuckles turned white. For once, he wasn't smiling, you'd never seen him make such a face. You couldn't help but reaching out to him and stroking his face, you felt so full of emotion and safety when he was around, and at this moment, you felt like you'd seen something no one has ever seen, which made you feel much closer to him that anyone else probably was.

"It's okay."

He grabbed your hand, looking a little shocked by the sudden connection. Your eyes then met for the first time, it lasted a few seconds, but you both felt the intimate connection it held.

All Might then said,

"I should go.."

You dropped your hand but grabbed his shirt.


His eyes widened.

"Please... I feel.. Safe..."

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