Part 2

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Hearing them words made you happy, knowing that All Might was taking an interest, and also caring about you.

All Might spoke up.

"So (F/N), shall we get started?"

Knowing that he was talking about the task at hand, you readied yourself into a battle stance.

All Might charged at you with his fist ready to hit your face, you were taken by surprise at how fast he was, you knew he was fast, but seeing it first hand shocked you a little and made you wonder whether you would be able to evade his attack or not.

You pushed his hand away from your face, but the force of his punch hurt your hand a lot, though you just sucked it up.

"You've gotta do better than that if you want to become a hero (F/N)!"

He was right, though one thing you really struggled with was the rhythm of your Quirk, the whole point when you fight was to dance through the fight, being able to evade attacks easily, though for some reason, rhythm was pretty much your worst enemy ever since you were able to use your Quirk.

He was so fast and you knew any minute now he would hit you and hurt you pretty badly, so you decided to try the other side of your Quirk, you were going to try and seduce All Might.

You stood in the middle of the small forest opening and focused on your Quirk. All Might shouted to you,

"(F/N)! What are you-"

He was cut off when an Aroma surrounded you and the small forest opening and he stopped just in front of you, not saying a word. A small blush crossed over your cheeks as you saw him just eyeing you, you didn't know whether you were successful or not.


All Might placed a hand over his face and bent over. He quickly shook his head and composed himself, letting out one of his signature laughs, though his voiced cracked a little, indicating he was a little nervous.

"Aha! Yes, that Quirk. Strong stuff that stuff is!"

He had a little sweat on his forehead as he scratched the back of his head.

You blushed hard now, had you actually succeeded?!

All Might walked towards you, placing a gentle hand on your shoulder.

"I can tell that you struggle with the other side of your Quirk, which makes you use the technique that you used on me as a back-up, I guess you struggle with something that I'm not yet aware of?"

You found yourself kicking some dirt beneath your feet as you began to tell him.

"I guess, I've always struggled with rhythm. Every time I train, I always end up hurting myself or walking into attacks and I don't know why!"

All Might tightened his grip on your shoulder.

"Everyone struggles with their Quirks, that's what these lessons are for, that's what this school is for, to train and nurture young students such as yourself. In the end, you will become a brilliant hero, I know it."

You averted your gaze from him as you felt your cheeks getting hot, then you heard a beeping sound.

"Ah! It's time for my next student! Time to go (F/N)!"

You walked away and again he placed a hand on your shoulder.

"I will arrange a plan so that I can help you with your Quirk, just bear with me (F/N)."

You smiled at him.

"Thank you, Sensei."


After a long day, you had gone home and taken a bath. You were lying on your bed in only a hair wrap and a towel when your phone buzzed.

"Who could this be at this hour?"

Your eyes widened in surprise. It was All Might!

"Hi (F/N)! I hope you don't think I am intruding, I got your phone number from the Principal today, explaining the situation of course! I have worked out a plan, I want you to be up at 5am, I will be waiting for you at the park on the outskirts of town. Don't be late!"

You smiled to yourself and let out a small squeak, you couldn't believe you would be spending time with All Might outside of class! That feeling was amazing!

You quickly got your head down so the morning would come quicker.


Morning came and the sun was just rising from what you could see on the horizon. Another text from All Might came through on your phone.

"Good morning (F/N)! I hope your ready for our session this morning!"

You smiled and texted back,

"I am ready Sensei, but I wonder about you!"

You sent the text and got nervous about his response, you wanted to send something witty but didn't really think of the reply.

Your phone buzzed and you got instant butterflies.

"Young (F/N), you shouldn't tease your teacher! See you soon!"

You let out a sigh of relief, at least he took it light heartedly!

You got yourself ready and headed for the park. You jogged lightly and when you arrived, you saw All Might leaning up against a tree. The Suns rays that were only just rising were shining off of his face, he looked so different somehow.

He turned and saw you, making your heart flutter slightly.

"Aha! (F/N) I found you!"

"I, uh, what?"

What did he mean?

"Ah, I guess I was trying to be funny, judging by your text message anyway!.."

He was scratching his face with his index finger, blushing from embarrassment, how adorable!

You giggled at his reaction.

"Who knew my Sensei would be so unprofessional!"

He smirked.

"Well, for that comment, maybe I should make you do ten laps around this park, hm?"

Your eyes widened.


You shouted, waving your hands in his face.

"I-I'm kidding Sensei! You're a perfect teacher!"

You blushed, not realising what you had said, and you swore you saw a slight blush on his face to, but you put it down to the poor lighting as the sun had only just started rising.

"Anyway (F/N), down to business... Are you ready?"

You just simply nodded.

All Might x Student! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now