Chapter 1: Reunion at Kame House

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Age 761

The view below them was beautiful. The jet surrounded by blue, the sky and bulk of water them. A flock of gulls passed the jet heading in the opposite direction. Zen gazed out of the window ajar as he took in the scenery around him what he saw. He'd never been this high above the sea before.

"Zen, can you see that small island on the horizon?" Bulma asked.

"Yes mom, I see it." Black eyes scanned the mass if the ocean below.

"That's where we're headed for." Bulma spoke softly, "That small island is Master Roshi's island."

"So, your friends will be there, right mom." Zen asked Bulma as she nodded.

"They're will be there I'm promise." The plane stopped in mid-air and began its final descent vertically, kicking up sand from the beach below. The shudder of the plane told both passengers it had successfully landed and Bulma shut off the engines. She unstrapped herself and stepped out on the sand. Zen undid his own seat belt and to meet his mom's old friends.

Zen opened the passenger door and jump himself off from the passenger seat. They walked toward the pink house's door.

"Yoo-hoo! Hello in there?" Bulma called. "Is anyone home?" Without really waiting an answer she opened the front door to the house, Zen sticking close behind his mother's leg as he glanced into the house.

"Bulma!" A short bald man beamed, walking towards them as they walked in.

"It's been too long!" Another man was inside the house; his sunglasses almost hiding his aged face along with hi white bushy mustache and beard. He looked ancient to the four-year-old! "You're pretty cold, aren't you? We haven't seen you in five years now!"

"Well I'm here now, isn't that good enough?" Bulma smiled at them as the younger bald spotted Zen and their glance met in the moment. The bald man's eyes widened, and he glanced at him.

"Hey Bulma... Who's the small kid behind you?"

The older man also noticed Zen behind Bulma as he diverted his eyes down from Bulma's face to her legs, "... Don't tell me..." He gasped. Bulma grinned their reaction.

"So, you and Yamcha finally got married and had a kid!" Krillin grinned excited.

Bulma faltered but quickly regained herself. They would have to mention Yamch, "Well... You're half right in thinking he's mine but he's not Yamcha's. Don't even remind me of that idiot?"

"He's not Yamcha's, so you found someone else instead then!?" Master Roshi repeated shocked this news.

"This is pretty big new whatever way you look at it!" Krillin spluttered seeming equally as stunned as his master, "So, he's your kid? Really, you're not pulling."

"Krillin I saw him pop out from between my legs, he's my son." Bulma grumbled.

"Zen say hello..." Bulma cooed, ushering her son in front of her. Zen glance at them.

"Hello, I'm Zen Brief. Please to meet you." Zen bowed them as he respected them.

"Hi there, I'm Krillin," the younger bald man stepped forward as he bowed, "It's nice to meet you Zen." Zen look at Krillan's head is so shiny that reflect the sun light and he tried not to laugh.

"How old are you Zen?" Master Roshi asked.

"I'm four years old sir." Zen answered in a stern voice.

"Good boy." Bulma patted his head.

Master Roshi put one hand to his beard, "Quite a polite boy, isn't he? Are you sure he's your child Bulma? They didn't mix at the hospital, do they?"

Bulma flared, "No! They didn't!" She yelled as Zen flinched his mother's anger which scared him the most, mother are quite scarier in the world.

"So, if Yamcha's not the father then who is the father?" Krilllin asked.

Bulma glared at him and folded her arms, closing her eyes as she pouted, "We don't talk about him," she answered quietly.

"You mean you split up then?" Krillin mumbled.

"Look I don't need him, he decides to leave beside I got my family. And I also don't need that jerk who broke with my mother..." Zen rolled his eyes as he been sarcastic, folded his arms.

Awkwardness filled the tiny house, Krillin wishing he hadn't asked but shocked that Zen has man up and has personality like his mother. "I'm sure your Dad will come and see you one day."

"Yeah, right..." Zen rolled his eyes.

Krillin looked up at Bulma and grew concerned when he noticed she shakes her head. "Give me a break, it's like he's coming back."

Krillin noticed the tail as Boxser's tail waving around wildly as his eyes widening in shock as a cold chill ran down his spine, "B_Bulma, how long has he had a tail for?" Krillin asked nervously.

"W_What?" Master Roshi gasped, eyes falling to Zen and spotting the tail. "...You're right!"

"He had it when he was born." Bulma replied. Zen's face turned red and felt embarrassed that they were talking about him. His tail grew attention since everyone find it interesting. He knew he was different.

"Not again, why everyone always attention with my tail?" He cried in his thought.

"You have been keeping him away from the full moon, right?" Master Roshi asked Quietly.

"Of course, I have," Bulma nodded indignantly. "How could I forget?"

"The moon? Yeah, I always wonder what is the moon look like, but mom forbidden me not to see the moon. I don't know why?" Zen wondered. He'd always been sent to bed early, so he'd never had the chance. Whenever he'd asked, his mother had told him no.

Zen walked with his mom inside the house and noticed the big turtle at the corner of the room, its shell hard. Its noticed the small boy was looking at him and smiled at him as Zen patted his head gently.

"Haven't heard anything from Tenshinhan and Chaozu." Krillin replied. "I take it Yamcha won't be here?"

"Of course not, you think I'd tell him after what he did?" Bulma hissed, "Let's get off the subject, where's Launch?"

"She went chasing Tenshinhan five years ago, we haven't seen or heard from her since!" Krillin replied.

Bulma sighed as she looks at her son patted the turtle head.

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