My Daughter Came Back, But She's Not My Daughter

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3 months ago, my 6 year old daughter, Haley, suddenly vanished. One night I put her to bed and the next morning she wasn't there. My husband and I were frantic, we let the entire town know that our daughter was gone and we examined the whole area to find her. When we didn't find her over the whole month, we started to loose hope. When the second month of her being missing came to a close me, my husband, the police and all the people of our town assumed that Haley was gone. It was now March 6th. At this point, I had barley been at work and decided to come back so I have woken up early. As I walked down the stairs drowsily to the kitchen, I saw Haley. She was sitting on the couch. Just sitting. I shook my head to get rid of the hallucination. But it didn't go away. She didn't go away.

"Mother?" she said.

I didn't hesitate, and I ran up and embraced my daughter. Or what I thought was her.

"I missed you so much. Mommy missed you so much." I sobbed as I squeezed her. Haley just replied,

"Yes Mother. I know."

I missed work that day. Once I stopped embracing Haley, I realized that for being gone for two months my daughter was incredibly clean. As if she had just come home from school. When Haley's dad got home he had a similar reaction embracing her daughter and sobbing into her shoulder. All that Haley said was, "Yes Father, Yes Father." patting his back. My husband ignored this unusual behavior because she had been missing for two whole months. The next day, me and my husband took Haley to the doctor to check if she was okay. When the doctor checked her, it didn't take long because the doctor said that she was completely fine. I took her home, thrilled that my daughter was fine.

Two nights later night I woke up and I needed to go pee. I looked at my phone and it was around 3:05 AM. As I left the bathroom and approached my bedroom I saw a figure in the hallway.

"Honey?" I said, thinking it was Haley. I reached for the light switch and as soon as I flicked it up, she was gone. The hallway was empty. I ran to Haley's room and there she was. Sound asleep. I walked back to my bedroom just blaming the incident on my drowsiness.

This happened a few times after that, and Haley"s been back for only a month. But a few weeks later something happened, and I don't think I can blame it on my drowsiness. I suddenly was inclined to wake up and I looked at my phone, 3:03 AM. I didn't need to get up but I looked at the door. There was Haley. just standing there. But in her hand, something was gleaming. The moment I realized what it was I shook my husband awake telling him Haley was holding a knife. He woke up and when I went to show him, It wasn't there. I had to eventually get over it and continue to treat my daughter normally as I set her off to school that day. Now let me get this straight, Haley would act normal the rest of the time, just little slits of time she would become different and then convert back to her normal self. But sometimes she would forget obvious things like family traditions, her toys, etc. This would happen more often then not. She would also say "Mother" and "Father" instead of "Mommy" and "Daddy" like she did before she went missing.

One night we were sitting on the couch and watching the 8:00 news. Haley had begged to stay up and watch with me and was sitting across the room with me. At one point she said,

"Mother look."

I ignored the sinister smile on her face and listened,

"Breaking News: Dead body found inside Piker Forest. Body was identified as 6 year old Haley Carroll. Police have estimated her death March 6th 2018, only a month ago."

I don't know what I'm living with. But its not my daughter.

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