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I gripped her hands firmly and walked with her towards the lawn. The winds lightly brushed past us as she let out a gentle shiver.

'It's not too cold, Anne.' I offered, towards her expressionless face. She returned back a smirk to my delight. I hardly get those from her. She's usually stoical and seeing her smirk is almost rare.

Anne is the type of patient you encounter as quiet, shy and in her case, expressionless. I've known her for 9 years now and despite seeing petty changes in her behavior, I really don't see her improving to the point of being 'normal.' I would want to see her being normal again-if she ever was that is. When I came to this asylum located in the wilderness, I had already found her here; wandering alone like a lost soul looking out for any kind of help.

I had instantly taken an interest in Anne when I came across her file. She was suffering from severe trauma regarding to her parents' death. Her mom and dad were shot and killed right in front of her eyes during a break in. She was only 8 at the time. I can't even imagine how she felt during that time. She was taken into care by her Aunt but due to the sudden change in personality and behavior, she admitted Anne here. It's safe to say that her Aunt won't be coming back. The last time I heard from her Aunt was about two years ago. She must have been glad that the burden of taking care of Anne was now polished away from her head.

I decided to help her ever since reading about her. At least try my best. Over the course of 9 years, unfortunately nothing has improved. It really hurts me to see her this way but some people are fated to such lives. Colleagues of mine tell me that taking her outdoors is not a good idea.

There had been times when she had tried to run away and other times, attack the wardens who accompanied her. One even claimed that she had bit off his skin from the neck area.

Any patient here can be vulnerable at times and I do understand the dangers associated with treating them.

But Anne was different.

Over the course of the time I've spent with her, she has formed a bond with me-or I would like to believe so. She feels comfortable whenever I sit down to talk with her and I think she sees me as someone she can trust.

This is why I decided to take her out on a walk couple days back. However, I only got the opportunity today. Being a Saturday, not many warden are here and that's why she doesn't seem startled. This is what I wanted anyways. For her to feel safe and be at peace.

All I had to make sure was that she didn't injure or run away from me at any point.

As we approached the main gate, the security guard greeted me with a concerned look.

'You sure you don't want someone to accompany you?' He asked me. Anne gripped my hands tighter. I could tell that she wasn't liking his presence.

'Yes. I hold all responsibility for her. Leave us be.' I replied towards him.

As soon as we got past the gate, her grip on my hands loosened. She seemed to be calm again. The wind was a bit stronger now and trees around us showered us with their leaves.

My plan was to take her towards the lake that was situated past the woods. Seeing the calmness of the lake and the beauty that surrounds it will surely make her feel better. She deserves this.

Anne could let go of my hands at any time and just run into the distance leaving me behind. But she hasn't yet. I know she won't. I believe in the trust we have between us.

'Wa...Wa...Water' she managed to blurt out. I looked ahead to see the glistening water on the horizon. She seemed to like it. There was a beauty there. Beautiful enough to make her say her first words of the day.

I loosened my grip slowly as we got closer towards the lakeside.

I knew she wouldn't run away. She didn't.

Instead she paced towards the lake and took in the view. Sparkling water and luscious green trees surrounding it. I enjoyed it with her.

She was now looking at herself in the water. Seeing her soft and beautiful face.

9 years and no improvement. If only I could magically cure her back to normal. I can't.

I approached towards her. She was smiling now at her reflection. Another one of her rare moments.

I put my hands through her delicate hair.

I care a lot for you Anne.

I want to help you.

With a sudden move, I gripped her hair tightly and grabbed her other hand to tie it behind her back. A look of sheer terror and confusion appeared over face in quick succession.

'I'm help...helping you Anne.' I said as I pushed her closer towards the water.

She didn't reply. She didn't even scream. But I could still see the frightened expression on her face. She was frozen.

I gripped tighter onto her hair and pushed her head into the cold water. Ripples formed as her face touched the water and soon enough her entire head was in the cold water.

Her arms flapped wildly behind her back as I struggled to hold them both together with one arm. I was struggling but managing.

'Soon. It'll all be over soon Anne. All your pain will be gone. All of it.' I told her as she mumbled underwater. Bubbles formed on the surface as a light breeze brushed past me.

9 years.

No more pain Anne. No more.

She was really struggling now as her hair spread everywhere across the water. Her head trying its best to resurface only to no avail. My arm pushed her head deeper into the water.

In a couple minutes, it was all over. She was lifeless and the water was calm again. Tears dripped out of my eyes as I watched her body float in the cold water. I wiped them away and smiled at her.

'You'll thank me one day Anne. I know you will. And I always appreciate you for trusting me. I knew I could help you one day. Take the pain away from you. I knew I could. I always did.'


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2018 ⏰

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