Chapter 9

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One month later...

"Whoa!" I said as I ducked to avoid the blow of Kyris's sword.

"Better watch out, Princess," he grinned cheekily. "Don't think that just because it's your birthday, I'll go easy."

I exhaled as I swung my sword at his leg. "I wouldn't expect you to."

We sparred back and forth, and I finally managed to catch him when he made the smallest mistake. Our swords were locked at the hilt, both of our hands focusing on holding the opposing sword fast, but Kyris left his legs unprotected. I put all the force I could muster into throwing Kyris's blade off my own, and I bent down as I whipped my leg around, swooping him off his feet. He fell on his back, hitting the stone covered floor with a thud. I thrust my sword at him, stopping only centimeters from his throat.

"Gotcha," I smirked, and sheathed my sword.

"Going for my legs," he huffed. "Smart."

I extended my hand to help him get up, and he took it. When he was standing in front of me once more, I found myself staring into his deep, storm grey eyes. I could have stayed that way all day, but the sound of horses approaching the courtyard caught my attention. From memory, we weren't supposed to be having visitors until sundown, which was still three hours away. I turned towards the sound, and saw three men in battle armour ride their horses through the massive front gates. They came to a stop about twenty-or-so meters away, and simultaneously took off their helmets. I instantly knew who they were, but I couldn't believe they were here.

"Go to them," Kyris whispered in my ear, "I need to help prepare for your party tonight."

I stared at him for a moment, and smiled gratefully before taking off at full sprint towards the three men, who had just slid off their horses backs. "Emeryx! Damari! Jariden!" I cried.

My brothers turned around, and in unison, they shouted, "Raelynn!" before tackling me in a huge bear hug.

"I can't believe you guys are here," I jested.

"Well, we weren't going to miss our little sister's big birthday, now were we?" Emeryx smirked.

"What kind of brothers do you take us for?" Jariden asked, feining hurt.

I let go, and got the first proper look at my brothers.

Damari was the youngest of my brothers, five years older than me. His glossy, luxurious nut brown hair had been cut short, and his hazel eyes sparkled brightly in the late noon sun. His tall, powerful, well-toned frame, coupled with his flawless golden skin almost made him look like a warrior god, and if that wasn't enough to make you feel intimidated, then the huge scar that ran down the right side of his neck would. He'd got that scar on one of his first missions as a Dragon Hunter, when they were ambushed by a weyr of dragons in the Northern Mountains.

Jariden was three years older than Damari. His soft, chocolate waves of hair came down to his shoulders, but he had tied it back at the base of his skull. His eyes were as green as jade, his skin the same gold tone as Damari. His chiseled, athletic body enabled him to be agile and quick, a useful advantage when you fight and kill huge, fire-breathing beasts on a day to day basis.

Last, but most certainly not least, is Emeryx. He's a year older than Jariden, which puts him next in line for the throne. His neatly groomed caramel hair was just long enough to fall in his eyes, and his brilliant green eyes were as deep and rich as the forests themselves. He was taller than Damari and Jariden, which made him nearly a head taller than I was. His strapping, muscular figure radiated power and authority, which made sense since he was the leader of the Dragon Hunters. The scar that ran down the left side of his face from temple to chin - which he'd got from the razor sharp edge of a dragon's horn - only made him seem more powerful.

"I thought you were supposed to be on that mission for another month," I recalled.

Jariden shrugged, "We can spare a few nights to be there for our baby sister's big birthday."

I grinned, over the moon that they were really here. Damari noticed my sword sheathed at my side, "Still training, huh?"

"You know it," I replied. "I train every afternoon with Kyris."

"Kyris... Kyris...." Emeryx muttered as he tried to place the name, "You mean that servant boy?"

I sighed. Unfortunately, this was how most people in the upper classes remembered my friends by; the servant boy, the maid, the peasant, the list goes on and on. "Yes," I said simply. "That's him."

Damari shook his head, "When are you going to stop playing around with him, and start taking professional training sessions with people more qualified."

"We aren't just 'playing around," I retorted, offended with my brother's comment. "Kyris is an excellent swordsman, and extremely skilled too. He could be a valued member of the Dragon Hunters if he wasn't a serf. I wouldn't trade my sessions with him for the whole world."

He threw his hands up in surrender, "All right, all right. Geez, you're headstrong."

Jariden wrapped his strong arm around my neck, "You should know by now, Damari, don't mess with Raelynn. You want the wings, you get the fire."

"Just like a dragon," I proposed.

Emeryx cut in, "Oh no, Raelynn. Dragons are vile, ruthless killing machines. They destroy our villages and towns. They torch our crops and steal our livestock. They don't care for anyone or anything. Those beasts would kill every single person in the kingdom if it weren't for the Dragon Hunters that drive them back." He explained, "Our job is dire to ensuring the safety of our kingdom."

I sighed longingly, "I wish I could be out there with you guys."

"You know the law," he countered. "Only the -"

"Only the strongest and bravest of noble men can become Dragon Hunters," I huffed. "I know."

"Exactly," he confirmed. "Only the strongest and bravest of men." He enunciated, but his expression softened, "Look, Rae, it's not like I think you're not ready, believe me, I do not think that at all. But the law is the law, and as the princess - and princes - of Thedia, it is our duty to uphold the laws that have kept the kingdom safe all this time."

It fell silent for a moment, but Damari quickly broke the tension in the air. "Okay, I think that's enough serious talk for one day. Today is Raelynn's special day! We should be celebrating!"

He ruffled my hair, and my brothers led me inside the castle, where we spent the whole afternoon together, just like old times. But, unfortunately, that all had to end, and I had to leave to get ready for tonight's big gala that was to be held in my honour.

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